A new MRI 'Iseult' is developed that can capture high-resolution brain images in just four minutes, whereas conventional technology would take two hours

The MRI 'Iseult' has been developed, which has a magnetic field strength of 11.7 T (Tesla) and can take high-resolution brain images in just four minutes, and has scanned the human brain for the first time.
English Portal - A world premiere: the living brain imaged with unrivaled clarity thanks to the world's most powerful MRI machine
World's most powerful MRI machine captures first stunning brain scans
????[World Premiere] The test was released by James Gregg at the IRM's biggest hit in the world - YouTube
With Iseult's powerful magnetic field, it is possible to image brain tissue down to 1mm in just four minutes.
At the time of writing, the magnetic field strength of MRIs commonly used is about 1.5T to 3T, but it takes up to two hours to capture an image of 1mm with such an MRI, and the image becomes blurred if the patient moves even a little. These problems are solved by using Iseult, which is said to help understand the brain more deeply.

The diameter of the bore where the patient places their head is 90cm, which is on average 20cm to 30cm larger than existing products, potentially reducing the burden on patients who suffer from claustrophobia.
Developed by the French Commission for Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy (CEA), Iseult was tested on pumpkins a few years ago, but now in 2024 they have successfully scanned the brains of 20 healthy humans for the first time.

Although Iseult can take clear images, it is much larger than other MRI machines, measuring 5 meters in length and weighing 132 tons. A normal MRI is only 2 to 3 meters in size and rarely exceeds 10 tons. In addition, Iseult needs to cool the magnet to -271.35°C, which requires about 7,500 liters of liquid helium. Given its size, complexity, and cost, only a limited number of hospitals can use Iseult.

'Iseult should help understand, diagnose and treat neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's,' the CEA said.
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