Meta's AI temporarily unable to generate Asian people due to a problem with being unable to output 'Asian and Caucasian couples'

Meta, the image generation AI that was rumored to be unable to generate images such as 'Asian male and white female couples,' has temporarily stopped outputting all Asian people.
AI-generated Asians were briefly unavailable on Instagram - The Verge
Mia Sato, a reporter for the IT news site The Verge, reported on April 4, 2024 that even if you instruct the free web app 'Imagine with Meta AI,' which uses Meta's image generation AI 'Imagine,' to output a pair of Asian and Caucasian people, both of them will be generated as Asian.
Meta's image generation AI can't imagine 'Asian man and white woman couples' - GIGAZINE

When Sato asked Meta for a comment on the issue, the Meta representative asked him about details such as the deadline for articles. Sato answered Meta's questions, but Meta did not respond.
To check if the bug had been fixed, Sato tried to generate an image using the same prompt on April 5th, but instead of an image he got an error message saying, 'Something seems to have gone wrong. Please try again later or try a different prompt.'

The error wasn't limited to duos; it also prevented Google from generating any prompts related to Asian people, such as 'Asian man in a suit,' 'Asian woman shopping,' or 'Asian woman smiling.'
So Sato reached out to Meta's communications team again, and while he was waiting for a response, he tried other prompts like 'Latino man in a suit' and 'African-American man in a suit' and found that they couldn't be generated either, so he contacted the team again.

Sato stayed in the meeting for about 40 minutes, but when the meeting ended, he still had no response. However, when he tried the prompts again, simple prompts like 'Asian male' started to work.
Regarding this, Sato said, 'It's common for many companies I've interviewed to quietly change something, correct an error, or remove a feature after a reporter asks them. Did I, as an individual, cause the AI problem to temporarily be unable to generate Asian people? Or was it just a coincidence of timing? Is Meta working on solving this problem? I wanted to know, but Meta wouldn't answer my questions or provide any explanation.'
And even after that, Meta's AI started responding to prompts like 'Asian male and white female' again, but the racial confusion issue wasn't fixed at all, and it still output both as Asian. So even if this error that prevented Asians from being output uniformly was part of Meta's attempt to fix that, we're back to square one.
Sato said he would continue to 'monitor the situation.'
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in Software, Posted by log1l_ks