The EU may require Apple to allow third-party apps to replace the iPhone's Photos app

Margrethe Vestager, the EU's competition commissioner, has reportedly suggested that iPhone users could ask Apple to allow third-party alternatives to the iPhone's pre-installed Photos app.

EU may require Apple to let iPhone owners delete the Photos app

'Under Article 6(3) of the Digital Markets Act, gatekeepers have an obligation to make it easy to uninstall apps and to easily change their default settings. They must also display a choice screen. Apple's compliance model does not seem to meet this obligation,' Vestager said during a European Commission meeting on March 25, 2024.

Technology blogger

John Gruber suggested that Vestager's comments could signal that the EU is asking Apple to allow third-party apps on the iPhone's Photos app.

The 'Camera Roll' that stores photos and images on the iPhone is integrated into the iOS system, and a screen is displayed requesting permission to grant access to each app. The 'Photos' app is not just an app, but serves as an interface that allows system-level access to the Camera Roll. Allowing a third-party alternative app to the 'Photos' app means granting it the same access rights as the 'Photos' app.

Because the camera roll, which stores photos, contains very sensitive information for individuals, it is highly unlikely that Apple, which has adamantly refused alternative app stores and sideloading for security reasons, would allow third-party apps to have the same access permissions as the Photos app.

9to5Mac, an Apple-related news site, said, 'Allowing third-party apps to take over the role of the Photos app is too dangerous.'

Some bloggers and critics, including Gruber, have suggested that if the EU's demands become too broad, Apple may stop selling iPhones in the EU. However, Thierry Breton, the EU market commissioner, said that abandoning a market with 450 million customers is not a realistic option for Apple.

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in Mobile,   Software, Posted by log1i_yk