In 2023, it was revealed that a person named 'Jacob Vespers' was registered as the person in charge of an investment fund owned by OpenAI, but OpenAI denied that 'such a person does not exist'

In April 2023, documents submitted to the California Secretary of State indicated that a person named Jacob Thomas Vespers had been appointed CEO of

the OpenAI Startup Fund , an investment fund run by OpenAI, and that the fund manager had been changed to Vespers Inc., run by Vespers. On the other hand, OpenAI stated, 'This document is fabricated, and as far as we know, there is no person named Jacob Vespers.'

OpenAI Startup Fund: GP Hallucination - by Mike

The Person Who Was in Charge of OpenAI's $175 Million Fund Appears to Be Fake

In California, companies and organizations are required to report the latest information to the California government when their heads change. In a document submitted to the California Secretary of State on April 3, 2023, OpenAI Startup Fund reported that it had changed its fund manager from Sam Altman to Vespers Inc. and that Vespers had become CEO.

Subsequent documents also showed Vespers Inc.'s address as Room 234 of a two-story house called

The Orchard in Santa Ana, California.

However, on May 24, 2023, OpenAI Startup Fund filed a document with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) stating that 'Sam Altman is the fund manager of OpenAI Startup Fund.'

Following this incident, a debate has arisen over who Vespers is, who became CEO of the OpenAI Startup Fund. Meanwhile, OpenAI spokesman Madhav Dutt said, 'The documents submitted to the California Secretary of State were completely fabricated and the documents were forged.'

In addition, OpenAI spokesperson Kayla Wood said, 'OpenAI does not know who submitted the documents. This only came to light because a journalist asked about the matter in July 2023.' OpenAI then formally submitted a document to the California Secretary of State in August 2023 naming Altman as the person in charge.

'It's highly unlikely that any businesses are operating in any of the units,' said Paul Carroll, CEO of Integrity Housing, which owns and operates The Orchard. Meanwhile, Orchard 234 is registered as the headquarters of seven companies, all of which have employees named after Vespers, including 'Jacob Thomas Redmond Messer,' 'Jacob Thomas Redmond,' and 'Jacob Thomas Messer.'

According to Business Insider, a GitHub post made under the profile name 'Jacob Thomas Redmond Messer' states, 'I'm new to GitHub. I apologize in advance for any mistakes I may have made,' which is a sign that the post was generated by AI. Jacob Thomas Redmond Messer describes himself as a doctoral student working on 'neuroimaging, brain-computer interfaces, and immersive environments,' or as the developer of ChatGPT's 'Code Revolver' tool.

Nongaap Invesiting, an overseas media outlet, said that if OpenAI Startup Fund had intentionally placed fictitious persons in charge, 'it could conceal or obscure various corporate activities, such as transactions, helping to protect the company from legal battles and liability claims.' 'By giving control to Verspers Inc., OpenAI Startup Fund would undoubtedly be able to facilitate undisclosed transactions and activities.'

The California Secretary of State has stated that 'knowingly submitting a false statement to any government agency in the state is a felony.'

in Note, Posted by log1r_ut