6,000-year-old ruins discovered at Intel factory construction site

Semiconductor giant Intel is currently constructing a ``state-of
Burial mounds and a chariot grave. Archaeologists discover a Neolithic burial landscape on the Eulenberg near Magdeburg

Intel's Germany chip fab site yields discovery of 6,000-year-old burial mounds — no word yet about potential construction delays | Tom's Hardware
https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/intels-germany-chip-fab-site-yields-discovery-of-6000-year-old-burial-mounds-no-word-yet-about-potential- construction-delays
On March 15, 2024, on Informationsdienst Wissenschaft, which compiles academic information from scientific institutions in German-speaking countries, an archaeologist from the Saxony-Anhalt Heritage Administration and Archeology Authority (LDA) said, ``Intel's state-of-the-art semiconductor fab megasite construction... We have discovered a Neolithic tomb at the planned site.'
What was discovered were two approximately 6,000-year-old tombs containing wooden burial chambers, each containing several people. This tomb was discovered about 200 meters away, and the research team points out that it was ``clearly something that had been important to Neolithic people for a long time'' from the landscape. A cow was sacrificed in the corridor between the two tombs, and it seems that it was used as a place for people to be buried.
LDA archaeologists have been conducting geological surveys since 2023 at the planned construction site for Intel's cutting-edge semiconductor fab megasite, and in April 2024, just a few months before construction of the two semiconductor factories begins. The investigation is scheduled to be completed.

LDA is currently investigating 300 hectares of land in Magdeburg, where Intel's cutting-edge semiconductor fab megasite is planned to be built. A small hill known as Eulenberg is present in the study area, and the land is made up of fertile loess and black soil. The land was already an important site of human settlement in the early Neolithic period, and LDA research identified it as a 'long-standing site of burial and ceremonial practices.'
According to the research team, the tomb was built during the mid-Neolithic period, between 4100 and 3600 BC, and two large trapezoidal wooden burial chambers, 20 meters and 30 meters long, were discovered. . The burial chambers were located approximately 200 meters apart, and both were covered with large amounts of earth. Therefore, the research team points out, ``Graves probably occupied most of the landscape in this land.''
The corridor between the two burial chambers has been dated to the Globular Amphora culture period, which was created approximately 1000 years after the burial chambers were constructed. Pairs of young cows aged 2 to 3 were sacrificed along this corridor, and it is said that in front of some graves, the sacrificed cows were placed as if they were being pulled by a cart.
In addition, a corded pottery culture tomb (circa 2800-2050 BC) with a diameter of about 10 meters was also discovered near the tomb. He said that the series of discoveries at Eulenberg is consistent and surprising, and that further analysis of the findings will yield even more interesting insights.
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in Note, Posted by logu_ii