US and UK accuse China of election-related cyberattack, indict seven Chinese nationals

The United States and the United Kingdom have indicted or sanctioned multiple Chinese nationals for their involvement in cyberattacks on elections and political activities by the Chinese government-backed hacker group Advanced Persistent Threat Group 31 (APT31). announced.

Office of Public Affairs | Seven Hackers Associated with Chinese Government Charged with Computer Intrusions Targeting Perceived Critics of China and US Businesses and Politicians | United States Department of Justice

UK holds China state-affiliated organizations and individuals responsible for malicious cyber activity - GOV.UK

Embassy Spokesperson on the UK's hype-up of so-called cyber attacks by China

Britain blames China for hack that accessed data of millions of voters

In a speech to Parliament on March 25, 2024, British Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden said: ``Chinese state-affiliated organizations are involved in two malicious cyber campaigns targeting our democratic institutions and members of parliament.'' I have confirmed that.'

According to an announcement by the British government, the first cyber attack was carried out by a Chinese organization against the British Electoral Commission's system from 2021 to 2022.

The Electoral Commission announced in August 2023 that ``hackers gained access to the names and addresses of people who registered to vote in the United Kingdom between 2014 and 2022.''

As a second cyber attack, the UK's National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) has confirmed that the Chinese government-affiliated cyber crime organization APT31 conducted espionage activities against British members of parliament in 2021. .

Most of the politicians targeted by the Chinese government were public figures who had complained about China's malign activities. However, authorities have stated that ``all attempts to gain unauthorized access to members of Congress' accounts have failed.''

In response to this incident, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office announced that it had sanctioned a Chinese front company and two Chinese individuals. Although the names of the individuals have not been disclosed, they are all said to be members of APT31.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said: 'It is completely unacceptable that organizations and individuals associated with the Chinese government have targeted our democratic institutions and political processes. Although the attempt was not successful, we will continue to be vigilant and respond flexibly to the threat,' he said, adding that he had lodged a direct protest with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

On the same day as the UK announcement, the US Department of Justice announced that it had indicted seven Chinese nationals for targeting critics outside China, including the US, over a period of nearly 14 years.

The people charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion and conspiracy to commit wire fraud are Ni Gaobin, 38, Wen Ming, 37, Cheng Feng, 34, and Peng Yaowen, 34. The victims are Peng Yaowen, 38, Sun Xiaohui, 38, Xiong Wang, 35, and Zhao Guangzong, 38, all believed to be residents of China.

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said in a statement: ``We will never commit a crime that threatens Americans who serve our people, silences dissidents protected by American law, or steals from American businesses.'' We do not condone the efforts of the Chinese government to target and intimidate its critics, including launching malicious cyber operations aimed at threatening the national security of the United States and its allies. It's a reminder that we will do whatever it takes to do that.'

In response to these accusations, the Chinese Embassy in the UK said, ``The claim that China carried out a so-called cyber attack against the UK is a complete fabrication and malicious slander. We call on you to stop spreading false information and stop this self-produced anti-China political farce.'

In 2020, the British government banned the use of Huawei's 5G network equipment, and the United States is rapidly enacting a law that would effectively ban TikTok. The country continues to take an aggressive stance toward China, and media are reporting that this announcement is bound to provoke a backlash from China.

in Security, Posted by log1l_ks