Amazon's free teaching material 'MLU-Explain' explains AI mechanisms and development methods in an easy-to-understand manner with illustrations.

AI research and development is progressing rapidly, and many people are probably thinking, ``It's about time I started studying AI.'' Amazon's free educational material `` MLU-Explain '' explains the basics of neural networks with easy-to-understand illustrations and animations.
MLU-Explain is a teaching material that uses images and animations to explain important concepts in machine learning in an easy-to-understand manner. You can learn the basics of

For example,

In addition, on

In addition, MLU-Explain was released as a supplementary material for Amazon's AI learning material 'Machine Learning University'. Machine Learning University is Amazon's AI learning materials for employees that are made available to users, and can be accessed from the link below.
Machine Learning University

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in Software, Posted by log1o_hf