How to make time seem longer even as you get older

The 19th century philosopher Paul Janet's assertion that 'time passes more quickly as you get older than it did when you were young' is known as '

Janet's Law .' Paras Chopra, the founder of multiple services including a healthcare startup, is defying this rule and proposing a way to make time seem like it's passing longer even as you get older.

Why time seems to pass faster as we age - Inverted Passion

Chopra attributed the reason for the phenomenon known as Janet's Law, in which ``time seems to pass faster as we get older'' to be the evolution of the brain.

Chopra argues that the brain, which has evolved as an efficient memory device, responds strongly to 'new' and 'surprising things' and memorizes them, while retaining only the differences when it comes to repeated events. something like.

In other words, when we are children and our days are full of fresh surprises, we remember a lot of things, but as we get older and start to follow patterns like commuting and daily work, our days become more and more memorable. The content is predictable, and the amount of time that is memorized decreases, making the day feel shorter.

On the other hand, in cases such as ``suddenly learning Sanskrit at a university overseas'', it is impossible to predict what will happen in the future.

For this reason, Mr. Chopra believes that ``predictability affects not only the present but also the future,'' and believes that ``predictability has an impact not only on the present but also on the future.'' We propose 'to live each day.'

Chopra said that as we age, we become less likely to take risks because our brains seek stability rather than adventure, and while he understands this attitude, he believes that boredom is negative and that people should jump into unknown territory. He insisted.

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in Note, Posted by logc_nt