What is the anti-pattern ``internal platform effect'' that creates a degraded version of the platform on top of the platform?

'Some anti-patterns in software design are particularly egregious and yet undocumented,' says Alex Papa, founder of

The Daily WTF , a site that provides how-to guides for software development. Dimeuris posted about ' Inner-platform effect' .

The Inner-Platform Effect - The Daily WTF

Papadimouris named the phenomenon ``internal platform effect,'' in which ``over-customization of a system results in a poor replica of the platform used at the time of design.''

A typical example of the internal platform effect is that, although it is good to create a data structure modeling application to enable non-engineers to handle databases, it becomes difficult as the business develops and introduces complex structures. It has become so common that only engineers can handle it, and engineers also have to learn how to use specific applications, or are unable to tune it, resulting in them being defeated by the performance of general RDBMSs.

There is also a page on Wikipedia regarding internal platform effects, where other examples are also introduced.

Inner-platform effect - Wikipedia

For example, in XML, common element names may be used and attributes are used to give them meaning, but in such cases it is necessary to combine multiple attributes to filter the meaning, making the XPath expression complex. or the efficiency of evaluation will decrease.

Note that the internal platform is not always the problem; by using the internal platform appropriately, you can run an application without affecting external platforms like Java, or you can run one application on various external platforms. In other words, it is important to use it appropriately.

in Software, Posted by log1d_ts