``Festival of Exploding Hammer'' is one of the world's most dangerous festivals with a history of over 400 years, where steel plates are blown away with bombs and hammers.

About the Festival of Exploding Hammer, a mysterious festival held every year in
Festival of the Exploding Hammers – San Juan de la Vega, Mexico - Atlas Obscura

In the 17th century, San Juantito, a robber known as the ``Mexican Robin Hood'' who stole money from the rich and gave it to the poor, got into a fight with a wealthy landowner. Although the details are vague, the Festival of Exploding Hammer, held every February in San Juan de la Vega, recreates this conflict between San Juantito and wealthy landowners. Atlas Obscura says it's a festival. It is unclear whether San Juantito or the landowner owned the hammer with the bomb.
A video of the Festival of Exploding Hammer held in 2022 has been released on YouTube.
INSIDE Mexico's DANGEROUS Exploding Hammer Festival 2022 - YouTube
Swing the hammer wide and slam it into the iron plate on the ground.
The explosion causes a large amount of smoke.

The items used at the festival are ``hammers with homemade firecrackers tied to them''. At the Festival of Exploding Hammers, young men pound bomb-loaded hammers against steel plates from morning until night, thrilling the crowd.

Challengers are often unable to be seen due to the dust cloud.

A man appears as if blown away from the smoke.

The more explosives are used, the bigger the smoke becomes.

Two people playing hammer together

Regarding the Festival of Exploding Hammer, Atlas Obscura describes it as 'one of the most dangerous festivals in the world. In 2007, 17 onlookers suffered minor injuries, and in 2014, as many as 50 onlookers were killed in explosions. He was injured by the debris that was generated.' However, most of the cases where onlookers are injured by flying debris are the result of participants failing to swing the hammer down, so the injury rate seems to be quite low.

The firecrackers used at festivals look like this. It's palm-sized, about the size of an AA battery. Please note that the use of explosives is permitted at the festival.

Just attach this to the hammer with duct tape.

It seems that the amount of firecrackers used varies considerably depending on the participant, and some fierce people attached a ridiculous amount of firecrackers to their hammers.

man swinging a hammer

The amount of firecrackers was so great that the man was completely engulfed in smoke.

The Festival of Exploding Hammer, which has been held for over 400 years since the 17th century, attracts tens of thousands of people every year to participate and watch. It seems that local police and medical personnel are also called in every year to prepare for injured people and other unexpected situations.

Participants smashed firecrackers with hammers in the streets.

A colorfully decorated cityscape.

Participants will visit San Juan de la Vega with their own hammers.

The festival is held in an empty field about 20 minutes walk from the city center.

The force of the explosion is often so strong that the hammer is blown off. Pebbles and other objects blown away by explosions often cause injuries to the face and body.

If you look closely at the participants, you can see that they are wearing earplugs.

The scale of the explosion is about this if there are two firecrackers.

``It exploded on the surface of the rock, but it was far away so I wasn't injured by pebbles or anything like that,'' he said.

Please note that there are also small children participating in the Festival of Exploding Hammer.

Atlas Obscura writes about the Festival of Exploding Hammer, ``There is no doubt that it is laughably dangerous, but the probability of serious injury is statistically not very high.''
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