It turns out that tomato juice kills salmonella bacteria that causes serious illness

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Tomatoes are known to be good for

health and beauty , and some people consciously drink tomato juice a lot. New research has found that ingredients in tomatoes can kill Salmonella , a type of bacteria that causes the dangerous disease typhoid fever.

Antimicrobial properties of tomato juice and peptides against typhoidal Salmonella | Microbiology Spectrum

Tomato Juice's Antimicrobial Properties Can Kill Salmonella |

Tomato Juice Can Kill Salmonella, The Bacteria That Terrorizes Our Guts : ScienceAlert

Typhoid fever is caused when Salmonella enterica Typhi, a type of Salmonella bacteria, enters the bloodstream from the intestines and causes symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Typhoid fever can be prevented through proper food handling and access to antibiotics, but it remains a significant public health problem in many parts of the world where clean water and sanitation are inadequate. In 2016, a widespread drug-resistant typhoid fever epidemic spread across Pakistan, and infectious disease experts, at the time of writing, are concerned about another regional and global outbreak.

Therefore, a research team led by Cornell University microbiologist Associate Professor Jeong-min Song conducted research to determine whether tomatoes and tomato juice can kill intestinal pathogens including Salmonella typhi. Tomatoes are grown and consumed widely around the world and are rich in natural compounds that exhibit antibacterial activity, called antimicrobial peptides . Therefore, investigating the antimicrobial activity of tomatoes could lead to a potential approach to lifestyle interventions, the researchers explained.

First, when the research team exposed laboratory-grown Salmonella typhi to fresh tomato juice, it was confirmed that the Salmonella typhi died within 24 hours.

The hydrogen ion index (pH) of tomato juice is approximately 4.5, and the research team has confirmed that Salmonella typhi grows smoothly in comparative growth tests under this pH condition. It was also confirmed that he was not dead.

The research team then scanned the tomato genome for genes encoding antimicrobial peptides and identified two antimicrobial peptides from four initial candidates that killed antibiotic-resistant Salmonella typhi. When they modeled the shapes of these two antimicrobial peptides and simulated their interactions with bacterial cell membranes, they found that these antimicrobial peptides ruptured the cell membrane of Salmonella typhi in just 45 minutes.

Further research has shown that tomato antimicrobial peptides are also effective in eliminating Salmonella enterica, which causes non-fatal acute gastroenteritis rather than typhoid fever, and uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), which causes urinary tract infections. I did.

'Our study shows that tomatoes and tomato juice can eliminate intestinal bacteria such as Salmonella,' commented Song. Since this research is nothing more than a cell experiment, we cannot immediately say that drinking a lot of tomato juice will prevent typhoid fever, but it does suggest that incorporating tomatoes into your diet may be effective in promoting public health. doing.

Malnutrition is a problem in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean, and a study of children under the age of 2 living in 64 developing countries found that 45.7% did not eat vegetables or fruits. It was shown that there is no. Therefore, whether tomatoes can stop typhoid fever epidemics in developing countries depends on price and availability.

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in Science,   Food, Posted by log1h_ik