Apple finally allows ``link insertion to external billing system'' to iPhone apps, but fees will be charged

Apple has updated its App Store guidelines to allow apps to include 'links to billing systems other than in-app purchases.' However, Apple requires payment of fees for billing using external systems, and inserting links to external systems is limited to apps for the United States.

App Store Review Guidelines - Apple Developer

Distributing apps in the US that provide an external purchase link - Support - Apple Developer

Apple revises US App Store rules to let developers link to outside payment methods, but it will still charge a commission - 9to5Mac charge-a-commission/

Apple forces the use of a ``billing system via the App Store'' for the billing function of apps distributed on the App Store, and collects a portion of the amount paid by users as a fee from developers. However, in 2020, a game company, Epic Games, filed a lawsuit against Apple, claiming that the fees incurred during billing were too high. In 2023, a court ruled that ``Apple must allow App Store apps to include guidance to external payment options.''

Apple updated its App Store developer guidelines on January 16, 2024, allowing apps to include 'links to external billing systems.' However, permission to insert links is limited to apps distributed in the United States, and ``it is also necessary to prepare an in-app billing system,'' and ``you must pay a fee to Apple even if you use an external billing system.'' There are also such conditions. The fee is 12% if you participate in the App Store Small Business Program and 27% otherwise.

Link text to external systems must be written according to one of the following templates:

Purchase template:
Purchase from the website at

Special offer template:
For special offers, go to
For a special offer, go to

Lower price template:
Lower prices offered on
Lower price offered on

Percent off template:
To get XX% off, go to

Specific price template:
Buy for $X.XX at

Enclosing links with shapes or filling the background is prohibited. The way Apple expects links to be displayed is as follows.

When you tap the link, a screen that says ``Access an external site'' is displayed, and when you tap ``Continue,'' the external site opens.

For details on how to insert a link to an external billing system and detailed rules, please see the link below.

Distributing apps in the US that provide an external purchase link - Support - Apple Developer

in Software, Posted by log1o_hf