What did I learn after using Tesla's Model Y for 6 months?

Tesla's electric car that comes with the automatic driving function ``Full Self Driving (FSD)'' and is sold at a price starting from 6.6 million yen is `` Model Y ''. Software engineer Fatih Arslan summarizes what he learned after using this model every day for six months.

Tesla Model Y: My 6 months impressions


Mr. Arslan lives in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. He acquired a 2023 Model Y and drove it every day for six months. Among the inconveniences they felt, the first thing they mentioned was that the suspension was stiff. The Model S, which starts at 13 million yen, comes with air suspension, but the Model Y does not, and the ride quality is said to be extremely poor.

Another concern is the strange mechanism in which the glove box cannot be opened directly, but instead must be opened by pressing a button on the touch screen.

The first thing he liked was

the ability to set air conditioning schedules . This is a function that allows the air conditioning to be activated in advance to warm or cool the inside of the car before boarding. It is said to be useful in Ankara, where temperatures often drop below freezing. Furthermore, since the car is comfortable to sit in when the car is parked, he enjoys relaxing in the car while his son is doing activities at the sports club.

Model Y is equipped with a feature called '

Driver Profile .' This allows you to set the seat position, side mirror angle, room temperature, etc. to suit your individual needs, and recall the settings that suit you when changing drivers. Arslan describes the driver profile as a 'godsend' and says it's been a huge help as he and his wife take turns riding.

Also, compared to the gas cost of the ICE car that Arslan used to drive, the electricity cost is about one-eighth. It is also convenient to be able to charge at home without having to stop at a gas station.

As for software issues, certain software updates can cause the car's settings to return to their original state, and in the past there have been cases where doors that were locked for children were opened.

In terms of driving, he listed the acceleration performance, which is convenient when overtaking a car, and the autopilot, which is inconvenient because it cannot increase speed and has to be activated again because it is always deactivated.

Mr. Arslan summed it up by saying, ``Overall, I'm satisfied with the Model Y, but I don't think it has any groundbreaking features.Although it's heavily marketed, it's a normal car for me, and I like this car.'' There's no great reason to own it, but it's a very good utility vehicle and gets the job done without any problems.If you asked me if I'd buy it again, I'd say yes, but it's a car I'd like to keep for years to come. I don't know if that's the case.I'm also interested in the Model 3 and Model S, which are said to be improved compared to the Model Y.'

in Ride, Posted by log1p_kr