In the PC novel game ``From Madness with Love,'' where you can fall in love with a good-looking man but can't hold a conversation, you can see the strange love in the mess and it grabbed my heart.

Dating simulation games are played by reading the text, and most of the text consists of conversations with characters. Therefore, the content of the lines and the kind of conversation they have will greatly affect the charm of the character and the enjoyment of the game, but `` With Love Over Madness '', which PLAYISM sells for PC, is a beautiful boy. It is a novel game full of madness where you can fall in love with someone, but no one can have a proper interaction with you.
From madness with love | Game | PLAYISM official website
From Madness with Love - Trailer - YouTube
More love than madness | Jamsan-ish official website
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The startup screen looks like the following. On the platform, pixel art characters are flying around the screen.

``With Love Over Madness'' is a game full of strange things, from the character's behavior to the world view, but as you can see from the movie below, the madness is overflowing from the moment you start the game.
Click 'From the beginning' to start playing.

First of all, 'Please enter your last name' is displayed, so enter the player name and click 'OK'.

Enter your name in the same way and click 'OK'

After confirming the name, select 'Yes'.
Next, you can choose the first person from ``me'', ``boku'', or ``someone''. Click 'Me'.

“Then let’s begin with love rather than madness!”

A movie of the opening song, ``a song whose lyrics I wrote just from what I actually said in my sleep,'' will be played.

The opening movie can be viewed below.
The main character, ``I,'' is a second-year high school student who has transferred to the private Shiritsukoshian Karameruin Academy. Because the school he originally attended was blown up, he decided to attend this school closer to his home, and he will start on his first day there.

``I came early, so let's take advantage of the opportunity to explore the school grounds.

There, I met a small boy who seemed to be in trouble. Click 'Try calling'.

Then, the first thing I heard was a not-so-friendly comment: ``Lick me!''

The main character seemed satisfied and said, ``It's a school for the rich, and it's a reminder that the weak are exploited.''

Then I head to my class. The main character's class is the 2nd year Pome group, and the hallway leading to the Pome group's classroom has a somewhat mysterious atmosphere, with fish swimming and pink

In the classroom, a mischievous blonde-haired classmate suddenly approached me and said, 'Seriously!? Butt bomb!' His name is Yusuke Saeki, and he went to the same high school as the main character and transferred to the same school. He speaks to the main character in a friendly manner, but it feels like he's talking in a groove and vibe, making it difficult to understand what he's saying.

The next person I met was Aorta, the student council president. He has a cool personality and is excellent at school, but I don't understand what he's talking about for reasons other than Saeki. 'With Love Over Madness' is fully voiced, but it is difficult to understand even when listening to the audio.

The protagonist is taken to the infirmary and meets Shuji Arakawa, an insurance doctor. She is an attractive teacher with a gentle atmosphere and always a smiling face. Although the conversation is relatively normal, there are some strange remarks that come out here and there.

The last person I met was Tamura Marshmallow, whom I saw in the schoolyard in the morning. He keeps saying harsh words to me.

There are four love interest characters: Saeki, a classmate, Aorta, a senior, Arakawa, a teacher, and Tamura, a younger student. In the scene where they were shown around the school on the first day of transfer, I was able to meet four characters in order, so I compiled the conversations with the characters into a movie. If you watch the movie below, you will understand more about what kind of game 'With Love Than Madness' is.
The game screen has menus such as 'SCREEN' which allows you to make the screen full screen, and 'TITLE' which allows you to return to the title. Click 'CONFIG' from the menu.

You can individually adjust the volume of BGM, character voices, and SE, and mute unnecessary sounds. In addition, 'TEXT SPEED' allows you to change the text display speed in 10 steps.

You can also go back and read the text from 'LOG' in the menu at the bottom of the screen. This is a common feature in novel games, but it has a particularly important meaning in ``With Love Over Madness''. The following is a conversation scene with Aorta where I have no idea what he's saying because he's speaking in a language I don't understand. Now click on 'LOG'.

Then, Aorta's lines were translated and displayed. From the main character's point of view, we don't always know what Aorta is saying, but in the latter half of the story, important information may be obtained from the 'LOG'.

For example, in the scene below, a female student with a similar atmosphere to Aorta appears, but the character's name is not known as '?' is displayed in the dialogue window.

When I opened the 'LOG', I found that Aorta-senpai's mysterious language was calling out the name 'Emesu'.

From the second day of school life, the story and events change depending on the choices you make, such as whether you belong to the game club, go to the occult research club invited by Aorta, or go straight home. Click 'Go to Occult Research Club'.

At the Occult Research Department, I met Maximum Conger, the director. Maximum is a fairly common-sense person who enthusiastically recruits the protagonist to club activities and does his best to worry about anything unusual during an occult investigation, but he is a sub-character who cannot fall in love with the protagonist.

At the end of each episode, the message 'Do you want to save now?' will be displayed. In the image below, it says 'second half of April', but basically, even if you read it carefully, the episodes are about 5 to 10 minutes long and are divided into the first half and second half of each month, so you can read them quickly.

Each episode is a short study session or a seasonal event spent with the characters, and although most of them are short, there are plenty of standing pictures and event CG for each scene, so you can feel the charm of the characters. You can go.

In addition, events include not only general events such as sports days and Christmas, but also some events that are outside of everyday life, such as when I joined an occult club and investigated the seven wonders, and what happened before my eyes became distorted. there was.

During the investigation into the Seven Wonders, Tamura saves the protagonist from a dangerous situation where he almost loses consciousness. Although Tamura speaks a lot of dirty words, he seems to have some feelings towards the occult. I'm also curious about the secrets that each character has, not just their madness.

Event CGs seen during the story can be checked from the 'Gallery' on the title screen.

There are approximately 13 to 15 CG images for each character.

As I read through the events from April to January, Arakawa suddenly asks me to 'picture the face of the person I like.'

Furthermore, in March, the options of ``confessing to that person'' and ``maintaining your current relationship'' appeared. Note that even if you select 'Protect current relationship' here, the text will loop and you will not be able to proceed to the next step. Click 'Confess to that person.'

After that, you can decide in front of the school, ``I'm going to go see that person...that person of mine!'' and choose which character to go and confess your feelings to. I will choose ``Aorta Senpai'' with whom I spent many events together until February.

When I confessed my feelings to Aorta, she responded favorably, but she turned me down. After that, Emes reappears and tells you that he came from the same country as Aorta. Apparently, Aorta was not born in Japan, which is the reason why he cannot speak the language and why he refused the protagonist's confession.

The story that follows can be read in about 5 to 10 minutes, but each character has two types of endings: ``Type A'' and ``Type B.'' You can enjoy various final scenes, such as ones that are crazier than the previous stories, or ones that take a sudden turn and become heartrending.

Also, when I chose a character with whom I didn't really get along with in the events leading up to that point for the confession scene, the confession was dismissed.

The confession will not be accepted, and the message 'Game over' will be displayed and you will not be able to see the subsequent events. Therefore, it is important to aim for the character you are looking for and make friends with them starting in April.

The first thing I felt when I played the game was that I didn't understand the meaning of the game.The dialogue was too difficult to understand, and the background and events that occurred were too mysterious even though no one mentioned them in the game.There were too many quibbles. It was hilarious. However, although the statements and exchanges are often incoherent, the events that occur are simple, such as ``I'm injured, so I'm taking you to the infirmary,'' or ``I spilled my lunch, so I'm asking you to give it to me.'' It has a good sense of balance between common sense and common sense, making it easy to read. In addition, each episode progresses quickly, taking less than 10 minutes to read, so I was able to enjoy the charm of the characters along with the event CG without feeling stressed by unreasonable conversations and developments.
Also, what I would like to pay particular attention to is the character of the main character. Since all the characters are unable to communicate with each other, the main character seems to be in the position of a common-sense person, but since he is always cheerful at this school, it makes you think, ``Maybe the main character is the strangest one?'' There is momentum. And even though he sometimes makes light comments about the characters he can't communicate with, the impression I get is that he generally faces them straight without making a disgusted face. For example, Aorta has no idea what she's saying in a mysterious language, but the protagonist doesn't flinch and simply says, ``I still don't understand what she's saying, but she doesn't look disgusting, so that's good!''

The following is the scene right after Aorta speaks for a long time, and the main character says, ``(I don't know what he was saying, but it was long) Hey! There are so many reasons! Aorta-senpai, you're thinking about your students. 'I guess...' I can infer his intentions based on his tone of voice, facial expressions, and the length of his lines, and I'm able to communicate with him almost without any problems. It seems like a difficult setting with ``not everyone being able to communicate'' and ``a world view that is too mysterious,'' but I felt that the brightness of the main character summed it up well.

“From Madness with Love” can be purchased on Steam or DLsite. The price is 1680 yen including tax for the Steam version and 1650 yen for the DLsite version. Please note that ``From Madness with Love'' is designated as ``adult content.''

You can also get the Steam version key for 'From Madness with Love' from the gift article below.
GIGAZINE Winter gift release project 'Please answer the questionnaire and bring them all!' - GIGAZINE

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