KDDI's data center brand 'Telehouse' opens a data center that reuses waste heat to heat local homes, potentially contributing to environmental protection

In recent years, as

power consumption in data centers has been on the rise, processing waste heat has also become an issue. The data center opened by KDDI's data center brand ' Telehouse ' in Frankfurt, Germany in October 2023 will supply waste heat generated within the facility to nearby residential areas and other companies.

Telehouse opens fifth Frankfurt data center - DCD

Processing waste heat from data centers has been a long-standing issue, with Microsoft

devising a system to cool servers by installing data centers underwater, and a Finnish data center using waste heat to create a district heating system. We supply it as. Additionally, Meta's data center in Odense, Denmark, supplies approximately 100,000 households in the region with enough heat to heat approximately 11,000 homes.

Additionally, British data center startup Deep Green is working to harness waste heat from data centers to heat public swimming pools.

Attempts are underway to use waste heat from data centers to heat hot water pools, resulting in cost savings of several million yen per year - GIGAZINE

The data center that Telehouse opened in Frankfurt, Germany in October 2023 is called 'Building M' and is a three-story facility with an area of approximately 2,200 square meters. With the opening of Building M, Telehouse's Frankfurt data center has grown to a large-scale facility with a total area of 50,000 square meters.

According to Telehouse, the waste heat generated by all facilities within the data center will be supplied to nearby residential areas in the form of home heating. Waste heat from data centers can cover approximately 60% of the energy consumption of local residences.

However, only 2% of the waste heat is supplied from Telehouse's data center to nearby residences. The remaining waste heat is routed to the district heating combined heat supply power plant of the Frankfurt-based utility company Mabova, which then feeds it into the district heating network.

Béla Waldhauser, Managing Director of Telehouse's German office, said: 'Being able to use waste heat to help protect the environment while increasing efficiency, performance and safety for the benefit of our customers is of great importance to us. 'Through these efforts, we take responsibility for the environment locally and globally.'

in Hardware,   Science, Posted by log1r_ut