DEATH STRANDING live-action movie will be co-produced by Koji Productions and A24, Koji Productions will move on to the 'second phase'

It has been announced that a live-action movie of the game '

DEATH STRANDING ' released in 2019 by Kojima Productions, led by director Hideo Kojima, will be co-produced with production and distribution company 'A24'. Director Kojima also announced that Kojima Productions has entered the 'second phase.'

Signed international co-production agreement with production and distribution company “A24” for live-action film adaptation of “DEATH STRANDING” | Kojima Productions

A24 is the entertainment company behind the Academy Award-winning film ` `Everything Everywhere All at Once. '' At the time of the announcement, Director Kojima said that he wanted to create 'a world of DEATH STRANDING that no one has seen before, that is full of the meaning of being a movie, and that only a movie can do,' rather than 'just a translation that replaces a game with a movie.' He expresses his enthusiasm.

Director Kojima also posted a photo that appears to have been taken at A24's building.

Furthermore, Director Kojima said, ``Koji Productions has entered the second phase,'' expressing the success in expanding the studio and strengthening personnel for the film adaptation of DEATH STRANDING, the development of a sequel , and the development of the new IP `` OD .'' We are appealing to you.

In addition, at the same time as A24 announced the co-production of the DEATH STRANDING live-action movie, they also released a collaboration T-shirt with Kojima Productions.

It seems that a large number of orders have been received for the collaboration T-shirts, and all sizes are sold out at the time of writing.

in Movie,   Game, Posted by log1o_hf