A pornographic video maker sends a complaint to more than 10,000 illegal downloaders and collects billions of yen annually, but points out that ``Identifying an address based on an IP address and demanding money is too crude and is close to blackmail.'' too

Illegal downloading of pornographic videos has been rampant on the Internet for many years. Strike 3 Holdings, a pornographic video maker, has sent more than 10,000 complaints to illegal downloaders since 2017, and is reported to be collecting billions of yen annually. On the other hand, some have pointed out that Strike 3 Holdings' method is too sloppy in identifying illegal downloaders.

Hiltzik: This porn company profits by shaming porn consumers - Los Angeles Times


There are communities on the Internet that illegally share pornographic videos, and many people are said to be illegally downloading pornographic videos. Since 2017, Strike 3 Holdings has filed more than 12,440 complaints alleging that the defendant illegally downloaded pornographic videos via BitTorrent. Strike 3 Holdings has filed 3,311 complaints in 2023 alone, and sometimes files as many as 60 complaints in one day.

Most of the complaints filed by Strike 3 Holdings do not go to trial and are resolved by the defendant paying a settlement of several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars (hundreds of thousands to millions of yen). It is speculated that the defendant pays the settlement money because he does not want his real name to be made public as the person who illegally downloaded the pornographic video if the case goes to trial.

A Google search for the phrase 'Strike 3 Holdings' brings up a ton of hits for law firms that serve people who have received complaints from Strike 3 Holdings. This also shows how Strike 3 Holdings has filed a large number of complaints.

Lawyer Joseph Chris Edmondson estimates that Strike 3 Holdings earns an annual profit of $15 million to $20 million (approximately 2.2 billion to 3 billion yen) from the settlement money alone, and that the profits from the settlement money will be used to sell products. It points out that the benefits may exceed the benefits obtained from

There is nothing wrong with a pornographic video maker suing illegal downloaders, but it becomes a different story when an innocent person is mistakenly identified as an illegal downloader. In a suit filed in Connecticut by Strike 3 Holdings, the judge said, ``Given the nature of the content at issue, the defendant is forced to settle to prevent public disclosure of identifying information, even if the defendant was unaware of the complaint.'' 'There is a possibility that the defendant may end up paying a settlement amount even if he or she is innocent.'

In addition, Strike 3 Holdings uses IP addresses to identify illegal downloaders, but Edmondson said, ``In multi-occupancy homes and apartment complexes, many people share an Internet connection, so IP addresses can be used to identify illegal downloaders. ``It is difficult to identify an individual from a person,'' he points out, criticizing Strike 3 Holdings' method of identifying individuals as too sloppy. In fact, Mr. Edmondson challenged the lawsuit filed by Strike 3 Holdings as the defendant's attorney and won the lawsuit, claiming that ``Strike 3 Holdings cannot identify individuals from IP addresses.''

in Note, Posted by log1o_hf