CEO and executives of virtual currency exchange 'BitMEX' are prosecuted, suspected of deliberately neglecting money laundering measures


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The U.S. Department of Justice has announced that BitMEX's CEO and three co-owners, known for cryptocurrency derivative transactions such as Bitcoin transactions with up to 100 times leverage, will be called 'money laundering on the platform and others'. I intentionally allowed illegal transactions. ' One of the four has already been arrested, but three are on the run as of October 1, 2020.


Founders And Executives Of Off-Shore Cryptocurrency Derivatives Exchange Charged With Violation Of The Bank Secrecy Act | USAO-SDNY | Department of Justice

CFTC Charges BitMEX Owners with Illegally Operating a Cryptocurrency Derivatives Trading Platform and Anti-Money Laundering Violations | CFTC

Owners of BitMEX, a Leading Bitcoin Exchange, Face Criminal Charges --The New York Times

BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes and co-owners Benjamin Dero, Samuel Reed, and Gregory Dwyer were indicted. The four are still trading commissioners after the authorities have announced that they are 'laundering the money stolen by hackers' and ' users in countries like Iran, where sanctions are being imposed, are also trading.' He has been charged with violating the Bank Secrecy Act for intentionally ignoring money laundering measures such as basic identity verification set by the Association (CFTC).

Furthermore, on the same day, CFTC pointed out that it 'does not approve' for derivative transactions of virtual currencies such as up to 100 times leverage, which is one of BitMEX's main services, and four people including Hayes CEO about violations of regulations set by CFTC. And filed a civil suit against five group companies that operate BitMEX. BitMEX is one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, which trades about 1.5 billion dollars (about 160 billion yen) every day, but it is believed that it secured many users by daringly ignoring regulations. increase.

BitMEX is a legal entity established in the Republic of Seychelles. One of the four people boasted that they 'established in the Republic of Seychelles because the amount of bribes given to regulators was cheaper than in the United States and other countries,' the Justice Department said. Emphasized the defendant's maliciousness.

Of the four indicted, Reed was arrested in Massachusetts on October 1, 2020 local time, but the remaining three are on the run. If found guilty, you can be sentenced to up to five years in prison and a $ 250,000 fine.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log