14 manufacturers that close apps in the background to save smartphone battery life

While the performance of smartphones has improved year by year, battery capacity has not changed significantly since the introduction of smartphones. Therefore, various smartphone manufacturers are trying to extend battery life by incorporating battery saving functions into the firmware. However, some systems are said to cause inconvenience to users by forcibly closing applications that need to run in the background. The site `` Don't kill my app! '' lists 14 manufacturers that have introduced such systems.

Don't kill my app! | Hey Android vendors, don't kill my app!


◆1: Samsung
On Samsung devices running

Android 9 or later released in 2018, apps that are older than 3 days are forcefully terminated and cannot be started in the background. Don't kill my app! says, ``When you take a three-day weekend, few people will use their smartphone alarm as usual on weekdays.As a result, the alarm will not go off on weekdays after three days. , ``I'll be late for work.''

Don't kill my app! points out that ``We are introducing the industry's most troublesome battery saving technology to users' smartphones.'' In addition, as workarounds that users can take, they can optimize battery usage from the settings for each app, set ``optimize battery charging'' to prevent battery deterioration, and ``put unused apps to sleep.'' Don't kill my app! recommends changing the item.

◆2: OnePlus
OnePlus smartphones require users to enable additional settings for the app to work properly. Also, these settings seem to be reset with each firmware update. As a result, per-app background process settings no longer work with each firmware update, and users must enable these settings periodically.

As a workaround, Don't kill my app! points out that by locking the app from the 'Recent apps' column, the app will no longer be forcibly terminated in the background. This is said to prevent the system from being reset due to firmware updates, but Don't kill my app! recommends that you periodically review your system settings.

◆3: Huawei
Huawei smartphones, except for

the Nexus 6P , have a feature that automatically ends the process if an app is left in the background for more than 60 minutes. Please note that this feature is a custom service called 'PowerGenie' and cannot be disabled by the user.

Don't kill my app! suggests enabling manual app management, using a startup manager, or uninstalling PowerGenie .

◆4: Xiaomi
Xiaomi's Android customizations are said to be among the most problematic in the smartphone market regarding non-standard background process restrictions and non-standard permissions. With default settings, background processing does not function properly and is known to cause problems with apps that require background processing.

Don't kill my app! suggests that the situation may be improved by ``pinning the app'', ``setting automatic startup permissions'', and ``reviewing the battery manager''.

Meizu, like Huawei and Xiaomi, is said to have issues with restricting background processes. Therefore, don't kill my app! We recommend that you turn on 'Keep the app running after

◆6: Asus
Asus devices come pre-installed with a battery optimization app called 'Power Master.' By default, this app has features such as blocking app functions and force-terminating background tasks when the screen is turned off. Therefore, users are required to disable Power Master depending on the situation.

◆7: Wiko
Don't kill my app! says about Wiko that it's 'currently collecting feedback on Wiko devices,' while also 'optimizing non-standard background processes and adjusting settings to keep the app working properly. We definitely have a problem because of the need.”

Don't kill my app! says about Lenovo, ``We are still collecting information about the battery saving feature of

Lenovo P2, '' and introduces the steps to run the app in the background.

'We only have information about Oppo F1s , but other models may be in a similar situation,' Don't kill my app! speculates. As a specific example, on the Oppo F1s, apps running in the background will be forcibly terminated every time the screen is turned off. As a countermeasure, Don't kill my app! recommends pinning the app to the 'Recent Apps' section, setting security apps, turning off battery optimization, and providing persistent notifications for services. Recommended.

According to Don't kill my app!, apps loaded in the background require special permissions for automatic startup. Therefore, don't kill my app!, enable or disable 'app switching,' lock apps on the taskbar, or turn on settings that allow apps to continue running even when they consume a lot of power. is recommended.

Details regarding system limitations on Realm smartphones are not clear, but Don't kill my app! We recommend changing the mode settings.

◆12: Blackview
As a solution for users, Don't kill my app! suggests ``optimizing the battery'', ``locking recently used apps'', and turning off the smart assist ``Duraspeed''.

Sony smartphones have a feature called 'Stamina Mode' that instantly stops all background processes and alarms. Don't kill my app! states, ``If you want to launch any app in the background, please absolutely disable it.'' We also recommend reviewing the adaptive battery function and power saving settings.

◆14: Unihertz
Unihertz's Atom L , Atom XL , and Jelly 2 have a feature that blocks third-party apps from running in the background. Therefore, in combination with the battery optimization feature as an Android feature, the app may not function as expected.

Don't kill my app! can be configured by opening 'Intelligent Assistance' and 'App Blocker' from the device settings and setting the background behavior for each app, or using Boot Blocker, Start Blocker, Background Blocker, We recommend disabling various features including ground cleanup.

in Mobile,   Software,   Hardware, Posted by log1r_ut