Finally, a character count function is added to Windows 11 Notepad

Microsoft announced on December 7, 2023 that it has released Windows 11 Insider Preview build 26010 to the Canary channel. This build finally adds the ability to count and display characters in the standard text editor, Notepad.
Announcing Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26010 (Canary Channel) | Windows Insider Blog

Notepad on Windows 11 is finally getting a character count - The Verge

Build 26010 (Notepad version 11.2311.29.0) adds an 'Edit with Notepad' option to the context menu in Explorer, allowing you to directly access Notepad to edit text files and more.

The number of characters will then be displayed in the Notepad status bar. If text is selected, the status bar will display the selected text and the number of characters in the entire document, and if no text is selected, the number of characters in the entire document will be displayed.

Microsoft has been updating Notepad repeatedly, adding support for dark mode in December 2021, a fidget spinner function with a gear icon for settings in March 2022, and a tab function in January 2023. It is installed in Notepad.
Furthermore, this build 26010 will add a feature that allows you to hide the news and article feed displayed on the OS widget screen. If all goes well, we believe the set of features will roll out to all Windows 11 users in early 2024.
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in Software, Posted by log1i_yk