Government agencies are spying on smartphone users using push notifications on iPhone and Android

It has been revealed that Apple and Google, the top smartphone OS developers, were providing data on push notifications to government agencies. It seems that the person who was monitoring users through push notifications was ``a democratic country allied with the United States''.

Wyden Seeks Answers from Justice Department On Alleged Surveillance of Apple and Google Mobile Push Notifications | US Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon

Governments spying on Apple, Google users through push notifications - US senator | Reuters

Apple Just Confirmed Governments Are Spying on People's Phones With Push Notifications

Apple admits to secretly giving governments push notification data | Ars Technica

Smartphone apps use push notifications to notify users of a variety of information, such as informing them of the content of messages they have received and notifying them of breaking news. These push notifications are sent to users via the servers of mobile OS developers such as Apple and Google, so both companies understand how apps use push notifications. Push notifications themselves are a very familiar feature, but many users don't know that they are sent through Apple or Google's servers, and app developers say, ``Push notifications are a privacy nightmare.'' Some people have pointed out that 'it's a thing.'

U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democratic congressman from Oregon, said he began the investigation after receiving tips that foreign government agencies had requested records of push notifications from Apple and Google. is. Apple and Google have responded that they are restricted by the US government from releasing information on this matter. The official who leaked the information to Sen. Wyden declined to identify the foreign governments that requested the data, but referred to them as 'democracies allied with the United States.'


a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland , Sen. Wyden said, 'Apple and Google regularly notify users about other types of data requests by governments, especially those from foreign governments. 'These companies should be allowed to be transparent about their legal requests.' , unless temporarily blocked by a court, should be allowed to notify specific customers about requests for data,'' he said, calling on Apple and Google to reveal the reality of government surveillance.

According to Sen. Wyden, most of the information that can be gleaned from push notifications is metadata, including 'details about which apps received the notification and when, as well as the smartphone and associated Apple and Google accounts on which the notification is scheduled to be delivered.' It seems to include 'information to show'. In addition, in some cases, unencrypted content such as text delivered in notifications may be provided to government agencies. Senator Wyden also stated that ``Apple and Google may have been forced by government agencies to secretly hand over this information.''

Although Apple advises developers to encrypt sensitive data sent through push notifications, this practice is not required. 'We have long supported efforts to help providers disclose as much information as possible to their users,' an Apple spokesperson told technology media outlet Motherboard, adding that the company plans to release more transparency next. He said the report would detail the request from the government agency.

A Google spokesperson told Motherboard, 'Google is the first to publish a public transparency report sharing the number and types of requests for user data we receive, including the requests mentioned by Senator Wyden.' 'We are a major company, and we share Sen. Wyden's commitment to keeping users informed about these requests,' the company said, without commenting on whether it was subject to any restrictions from government agencies on releasing information. did not.

in Mobile,   Software, Posted by logu_ii