'Mystery-o-matic' automatically generates a mystery quiz every day that can be solved in 5 minutes

Mystery games like logic puzzles and

murder mysteries are fun and rewarding because they test your logical thinking and attentiveness, but once you solve them and know the answer, you'll never have the same fun again. Mystery-o-matic , a mystery quiz site, randomly generates new murder mystery quizzes every day, so you can train your detective skills by taking on the challenge every day.


When I accessed Mystery-o-matic, a murder mystery was immediately displayed as shown below. Bob was murdered sometime between 9am and 10:45am and was found in his bedroom at 10:45am. The murder weapon was a pistol in the kitchen, a knife in the dining room, poison in the bedroom, and a rope in the toilet. The layout of each room is also an important clue. The two suspects are Dave and Eddie.

'Clue #1' is displayed as shown in the image below.

Below the clues is a table of time, person, and place correspondences. By filling in this table based on clues, you can identify the culprit, the murder weapon, and the time of the murder.

By clicking on the table, you can mark it as ``I was there'' or ``I wasn't there.'' ``Eddie said, ``I don't think Dave was in the dining room at 9:30,'' so ``Dave, 9:30, dining'' is marked with a ✕. Furthermore, if you remember the location of the rooms, the kitchen and bedroom are adjacent to the dining room, so you can probably see the dining room, but you won't be able to see who is in the dining room from the toilet, which is further away. Therefore, we can infer that 'Eddie, 9:30, toilet' is also '✕'.

Click 'Next clue' to get the next clue. ``Clue #2'' is ``As a result of investigating the corpse, the pistol was not the murder weapon.''

``Clue #3'' says ``Dave was in the bathroom from 9:00 to 10:15,'' so the correspondence table was filled up.

``Clue #4'' is ``When Eddie arrived at the dining room at 10:15, no one was there,'' so only Eddie's location at that time is confirmed.

In 'Clue #5' we learned that 'poison is not a deadly weapon.' The murder weapon was determined to be either a knife in the dining room or a rope in the toilet.

Clue #6 reveals that the murder occurred at 10:00 or 10:15. In other words, it is impossible for Dave, who was in the bathroom at this time, to commit the crime, and it turns out that Eddie is the culprit. Dave was in the bathroom the whole time, so it was impossible to get the rope from the bathroom. Furthermore, since Eddie was in the dining room at 10:15, the crime must have occurred at 10:00. We have now determined the culprit, the weapon, and the time of the crime.

Now that the reasoning is over, it's time to move on to investigation time. Select three items from the pull-down menu: ``culprit,'' ``murder weapon,'' and ``time of crime.''

Once confirmed, click 'Access!'.

My guess was correct. In this way, you can play a simple guessing game by reading the clues and filling in the correspondence table between time, person, and place. In addition, this time we solved the problem with 6 clues, so we received the highest rating of 'Super Sleuth'.

There are five evaluation levels: ``Super Sleuth,'' ``Seasoned PI,'' ``Amateur Gumshoe,'' ``Absent Minded,'' and ``Barely Conscious.'' It depends on whether you answered the clue correctly.

If you fail to answer, 'wrong!' will be displayed. It doesn't tell you what's wrong with your answer or what the correct answer is, so you need to get more clues and try again.

Murder mystery quiz games like this one are created randomly every day. When I accessed it the next day, I found that it was a quiz where you had to identify Carol, who was murdered in her bedroom between 9am and 11am, from among suspects Dave and Frieda, along with the murder weapon. The setting and the type of weapon are the same, just the character names have changed, but the layout of the room and the clues have changed, making it a completely different quiz, so you can try it every day without spoilers.

According to the author, ``Mystery-o-matic'' takes inspiration from popular games such as the famous board game ``

Cluedo '' and `` Murdle ,'' which offers daily mystery puzzles, and introduces you to mysteries in a short and easy experience. It was created so that people can share their passion and the fun of detective thinking. The system for randomly generating mystery quizzes is available on GitHub.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by log1e_dh