Smartphone and PC accessory maker Dbrand sues fellow company CASETiFY for design theft

Dbrand, an accessory manufacturer that mainly manufactures cases for smartphones, PCs, game consoles, etc., has sued CASETiFY, which mainly manufactures cases for smartphones, over suspicions of design theft. Dbrand has released multiple product images and explains how the two companies' products are similar.
Dbrand is suing Casetify for ripping off its Teardown designs - The Verge
In 2019, Dbrand collaborated with JerryRigEverything , a YouTuber who disassembles devices, and released Teardown, a case brand that looks like a print of the internal structure of a smartphone. CASETiFY is said to have used this Teardown design for their own products.
Dbrand publishes product images and points out where CASETiFY products are counterfeit. The first image is below. Dbrand's products have the phrase 'GLASS IS GLASS AND GLASS BREAKS' devised by JerryRigEverything, but for some reason the same characters are printed on CASETiFY's products as well. Just by reproducing the internal structure of a smartphone, characters cannot be created.
— dbrand (@dbrand) November 23, 2023
This is a catch-phrase coined by Teardown co-creator @ZacksJerryRig . This tagline does not exist on the internal hardware of any smartphone, yet somehow appears on @Casetify 's products. (2/6)
The following similarities are below. The number '11 11 11' is written on the Teardown, which is an image of November 11, 2011, which is the date of establishment of Dbrand, but for some reason the same number is printed on CASETiFY products. Dbrand points out that it is unnatural that CASETiFY has the same number, as there should be no connection between the numbers.
Exhibit B: The digits “11 11 11”.
— dbrand (@dbrand) November 23, 2023
This is a reference to our founding date, November 11th, 2011. This date does not exist on the ribbon cable of any smartphone, yet somehow appears on @Casetify 's products. (3/6)
Third. 'R0807' seems to be an allusion to Dbrand's catchphrase, which is a brand operated by robots (ROBOT). This is also a character string that is not originally printed on smartphones, and this character string will not appear just by reproducing the internal structure.
Exhibit C: The string “R0807”.
— dbrand (@dbrand) November 23, 2023
This is a reference to our Twitter handle, @robot . This string does not appear on the ZIF connector of any smartphone, yet somehow appears on @Casetify 's products. (4/6)
Fourth. This seems to be the symbol mark that Dbrand often uses.
Exhibit D: The “All-Seeing Eye”.
— dbrand (@dbrand) November 23, 2023
This is a symbol we often use, as evidenced by both the favicon of our website and the dbrand Pyramid PC built by @LinusTech . This symbol is not present on the battery of any smartphone, yet somehow appears on @Casetify 's products. 5/6)
Fifth. 11.11Wh is not the actual power consumption of the smartphone, but is a notation that corresponds to the aforementioned date of establishment. This number also appears in CASETiFY products.
Exhibit E: The “11.11” watt-hours.
— dbrand (@dbrand) November 23, 2023
This is, again, a reference to our founding date. This erroneous watt-hour metric is not on the battery of any smartphone, yet somehow appears on @Casetify 's products. (6/6)
As a result of Dbrand ordering several cases to confirm their suspicions, they discovered traces of CASETiFY copying 117 different designs. According to Dbrand, all of their products arecopyrighted by Casetify before they are released.
'If CASETiFY had created a design like Teardown from scratch, we wouldn't have had any issues,' said Adam Ijaz, CEO of Dbrand. 'I'm not saying that they did so, but rather that they copied an existing design.'
Dbrand filed suit in Canada, where it is headquartered, seeking damages. In addition, JerryRigEverything has also posted a video criticizing CASETiFY.
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