Only 1% of information about former NSA employee Edward Snowden, who exposed America's global surveillance system, has been made public

Edward Snowden, a former employee of the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), revealed to the world in 2013 the existence of the NSA's large-scale surveillance system `` PRISM ''. However, even at the time of writing the article, 10 years after Mr. Snowden provided information to journalists, only 1% of the information brought by Mr. Snowden had been made public.

Why only 1% of the Snowden Archive will ever be published | Computer Weekly

In 2013, Snowden provided information to journalist Glenn Greenwald that revealed the reality of mass surveillance by the NSA. Mr. Greenwald, who was provided with the information, published an article about the NSA's large-scale surveillance system 'PRISM' in the British major newspaper 'The Guardian', and the existence of PRISM became known all over the world. Information immediately after Mr. Greenwald's report is summarized in the article below.

What is PRISM, a top-secret system that allows you to directly peek into personal information on servers such as Google, Apple, and Yahoo!? -GIGAZINE

The name of the informant was kept secret at the time of The Guardian's initial report, but the following week Mr. Snowden himself revealed that he was a PRISM informant.

Former CIA employee who exposed the ``PRISM'' problem where the US government was collecting information on citizens reveals his real name - GIGAZINE

However, in August 2013, an incident occurred in which an employee of the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) entered The Guardian's office and instructed them to destroy the ``HDD that stored the information provided by Mr. Snowden''.

Ewen MacAskill, who was in charge of interviewing Snowden with Greenwald, told Computer Weekly, a foreign media outlet, that The Guardian provided copies of information provided by Snowden to the New York Times and ProPublica. He said he did. McCaskill also said, ``To the best of my knowledge, the New York Times office still has information from Mr. Snowden.''

The information exposed by Mr. Snowden is under the control of news organizations, and only about 1% of that information has been made public. McCaskill said the reason for the lack of progress in information disclosure is that ``public interest in information is waning.'' ``Unlike the type of information leaked by diplomats and others, the information disclosed by Snowden is technical and difficult to understand.'' ``The exposed information included not only information about PRISM, but also information related to operational issues at the NSA, and Mr. Snowden wanted information about PRISM to be disseminated.'' I am listing it.

Regarding the impact Snowden's disclosures have had on the world, McCaskill also said, ``The NSA and GCHQ have developed more sophisticated tools (than PRISM) and are conducting more invasive surveillance than ever before.'' Snowden said. has raised people's awareness of the wonders of loss of privacy.'

In addition, there are frequent cases in which previously unpublished information provided by Mr. Snowden is newly released, and in September 2023, information on NSA's communication interception methods was also made public . Also, in May 2023, a document looking back on the 10 years since Mr. Snowden's disclosure was released by British and American researchers.

Reflections on Ten Years Past The Snowden Revelations

in Note, Posted by log1o_hf