Apple's product launch event was shot with the iPhone 15 Pro Max, what kind of apps and equipment were used to achieve the beautiful images?

Apple held
Behind the scenes: An Apple Event shot on iPhone - YouTube
Below are some of the videos distributed at the online event held on October 31, 2023. CEO Tim Cook is speaking outdoors at night, but the lighting on the stairs and CEO Cook's face are brightly depicted.

In the scene below, the background is beautifully blurred.

In addition, a video shot of Apple's headquarters '


The GIGAZINE editorial department has confirmed that you can shoot high-quality movies with the iPhone 15 Pro Max, but many people are probably wondering how they achieve smooth camera work and aerial footage. The following movie released by Apple on November 1, 2023 reveals some of the apps and equipment used at the event.
Behind the scenes: An Apple Event shot on iPhone - YouTube
The shooting scene of CEO Cook's presentation video looks like this. Cook CEO is illuminated with large lights.
Photographed with iPhone 15 Pro Max. The camera app seems to be using the free app '

The shooting was done with an iPhone 15 Pro Max attached to a solid camera rig.

Camera rigs with multiple rotation axes are also used. According to Apple, various equipment is used with the cooperation of

The shooting progressed while checking the video by connecting the iPhone 15 Pro Max and a monitor via USB.

Lighting equipment is operational.

There are also types of lighting that are installed in low positions.

Aerial footage is taken using a drone.

There are no problems even in scenes with strong differences in brightness and darkness.

Install the lighting directly above using a crane.

The method of ``setting up the iPhone 15 Pro Max on a trolley and shooting while pushing it on the dash'' was also used.

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