Telegram blocks some Hamas channels for ``violating app store guidelines''
On October 25, 2023, the encrypted messaging service Telegram restricted two channels used by Hamas, blocking access via Telegram downloaded from Google Play. According to reports, Telegram explained that the reason for the closure was 'because it violated Google Play guidelines.'
Hamas channels blocked on Telegram on Android - The Jerusalem Post
Telegram has blocked Hamas channels on Android because Google forced it to - The Verge
Israel-Hamas: Telegram removes Hamas channels on Android
According to the Jerusalem Post, Telegram blocked two channels used by Hamas, 'hamas_com' and 'al-Qassam brigades', and added: 'Due to Google Play guidelines, some of the channels you follow may not be yours. 'You may not be able to access it on the current version of Telegram.'
In fact, Telegram also says that it can only be accessed from Telegram downloaded via Google Play, but can still be accessed from other channels, such as Telegram downloaded from the official website.
A Google spokesperson, who requested anonymity, acknowledged that this report was true and pointed out that the company's underlying policy prohibits violent content related to terrorism.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said: ``Sometimes we are tempted to act based on emotional impulses, but complex situations like this require thorough consideration, taking into account the differences between social platforms.'' 'It is unlikely that Telegram will be used to significantly amplify propaganda, but rather serves as a unique source of live information for researchers, journalists, and fact-checkers.' I am.
Telegram founder announces maintenance of Hamas official channel, judgment that closing will make the situation even worse - GIGAZINE
In some cases, Hamas has been confirmed to have warned citizens of Ashkelon, Israel, to ``leave the area before a missile attack.''
'Will shutting down their channel help save lives, or will it put even more lives at risk? It would be easy to destroy this source, but doing so would create a dire situation,' Durov said. There is a danger of making things even worse.'
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