In order to prevent the creation of firearms with 3D printers, a law to ``investigate the criminal history of customers who purchase 3D printers'' is proposed in New York state.

3D printers that can read 3D data, which is a blueprint, and output three-dimensional objects, are widely used in the manufacturing, medical, and construction industries, but some users are also using 3D printers to create firearms. There have been

cases in Japan where guns made using 3D printers have been confiscated. In the state of New York in the United States, discussions are underway to enact a law that would require criminal records to be checked when purchasing a 3D printer in order to prevent the use of 3D printers to manufacture firearms.

NY State Assembly Bill 2023-A8132

New York May Require a Background Check to Buy a 3D Printer

NY State Bill Would Require Background Checks to Buy 3D Printers

In recent years, it has been noted that as 3D printing technology advances, the technology for creating firearms with 3D printers has also improved, and individuals now have access to a wide variety of firearms. Data on various firearms such as semi-automatic rifles, carbines, and pistols that can be printed using 3D printers is published on the Internet, and firearms made by 3D printers are difficult for law enforcement agencies to track. It is called 'Ghost Gun'.

What is the actual situation of 3D printed guns ``ghost guns'' that are rapidly increasing in Canada, a safe country? -GIGAZINE

The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has reported (PDF file) that the number of ghost guns seized increased by 1083% from 2017 to 2021. In response, states such as Delaware and New Jersey have passed their own laws banning the possession and use of 3D printed firearms.

The number of ghost guns seized in New York State is increasing year by year, with 150 guns seized in 2020, 263 in 2021, and 463 ghost guns seized in 2022. I am.

In response, New York State Senator Jennifer Rajkumar has submitted a bill to Congress, AB A8132, that would require background checks on customers purchasing 3D printers. AB A8132 requires retailers to request a background check from New York Criminal Justice Services when a customer attempts to purchase a 3D printer. Criminal justice services must also notify retailers if their customers have a criminal history that disqualifies them from owning a firearm.

At the time of article creation, the manufacturers and models of 3D printers covered by AB A8132 have not been specified. 3D printers are defined in AB A8132 as 'devices that can generate three-dimensional objects from digital models.'

Mr. Rajkumar said, ``Anyone can create a firearm such as a ghost gun that is difficult to trace by using a 3D printer that can be obtained for only $ 150 (about 22,000 yen). By requiring background checks on purchasers, the bill aims to ensure that 3D printed firearms do not fall into the wrong hands,' he said, highlighting the significance of AB A8132.

'Advances in technology have made it possible for anyone to create dangerous weapons and firearms in their own homes,' said Manhattan Attorney Alvin Black. We have to keep going.”

in Note, Posted by log1r_ut