Mobile company's excuse of ``forced transition to new plan rather than price increase'' is flooded with criticism

It has been revealed that T-Mobile, which has a huge market share in Europe and North America, will forcibly change some customers' plans from November 2023. A leaked internal manual related to this incident revealed that employees in charge of customer support were instructed to ``call it a transition, not a price increase.''

Breaking: T-Mobile Will Force Customers Onto Newer Plans Unless You Opt-Out

T-Mobile switches users to price hike and tells them it's not a price hike | Ars Technica

According to a report in The Mobile Report, T-Mobile will notify some customers on older plans and charge them $5 per month per line unless they indicate they want to opt out. ) ~ 10 dollars (approximately 1,500 yen) more expensive plan.

Once notified, customers can contact support, receive an explanation of why they should migrate, and then decline the migration and keep their current plan.

An internal manual describing how support should respond to customers regarding this matter has been leaked. According to the report, support should not say, 'Your prices will go up,' but instead say, 'We are not increasing prices on any of our plans. You will be moved to a new plan with more benefits at a different price.' He said he was instructed to say.

We also envision a scenario in which a customer complains that they changed their plan without asking. In this case, support seems to say, ``We recently notified you of a plan change. If the plan doesn't meet your needs, we can help you with ways to keep your current plan.'' There has been speculation that ``it may be possible to return to the original plan even after the forced transition.''

After the report, T-Mobile said, ``We have identified customers who we believe would benefit from the addition of new plan options. We will notify these customers of our plans to transition to the new plan and We share the associated benefits, impact on pricing, and timing of changes. These customers have the option of moving to a new plan, moving to another plan, or staying with their current plan. 'If you do not receive notification, there will be no impact.'

On the online bulletin board Reddit, T-Mobile's response was criticized as `` suspicious '' and `` a money grabber ''.

in Mobile, Posted by log1p_kr