It is reported that insurance premiums for electric cars are increasing dramatically, with some cases causing estimated amounts to increase 10 times

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more popular as environmental awareness increases, but insurance companies are refusing to insure EVs, which are expensive to repair, and some are about 10 times more expensive. It has been reported that some Tesla Model Y owners were offered insurance premiums of approximately 900,000 yen, and some Tesla Model Y owners were charged insurance premiums of approximately 900,000 yen.

'The quotes were £5,000 or more': electric vehicle owners face soaring insurance costs | Car insurance | The Guardian

``I was shocked when my insurance company refused to renew my contract,'' David (pseudonym), a Model Y owner in his 30s who lives in Bradford, northern England, told The Guardian, a major British general newspaper. )is.

David was insured by a British insurance company called Aviva from July 2022 to July 2023, but when his contract came up for renewal, the company no longer offered insurance to cover Model Y. He said he received a notification.

Many of the same concerns have been posted on official forums and SNS where Tesla car owners gather, and even if the contract can be renewed, the estimated price has increased by 60% to a maximum of 1,100 pounds (about 200,000 yen). There are reports that the price has increased by about 10 times, from 447 pounds (about 80,000 yen) to 4,661 pounds (about 850,000 yen).

David, who had no choice but to spend weeks comparing insurance policies, decided to take out insurance from an insurance company called Direct Line, but the premium was 4,500 pounds (approximately 820,000 yen), and including the monthly fee, the total amount was 5,000 pounds. It ended up being a pound (about 910,000 yen).

All car owners in the UK are facing record increases in insurance premiums, with statistics showing car insurance prices have risen by 52.9% in the 12 months to August 2023. .

In particular, insurance premiums for EVs have risen sharply, with gasoline and diesel cars increasing by 29%, while EV insurance premiums will be 72% higher in 2022, according to financial comparison service is reporting.

Louise Thomas, car expert at, explained why EV insurance costs are high: ``Although EVs are becoming more popular, they still represent a minority on British roads, and insurers are We don't have much experience with insurance for these types of vehicles. In addition to this, EVs come with expensive features and upgrades as standard, which means they are more expensive to repair, which impacts premiums.' I explained.

It's not just owners who are suffering from the high costs of EVs. According to Paul Baxter, CEO of insurance company Green Insurer, the cost of insurance premiums is 25% higher for EVs than for diesel or gasoline cars, and repair times are 14% longer. This is related to the price and difficulty of obtaining parts, and especially when lower parts such as batteries break down, repair costs can skyrocket.

This problem is exacerbated by a lack of human resources and skills in repair networks. The Institute of the Motor Industry, an industry group, estimates that there will be a shortage of 16,000 EV-qualified mechanics by 2032, and that damage to the battery, regardless of a dent in the door, will inevitably lead to a delay in response. Mr. Baxter spoke.

in Ride, Posted by log1l_ks