I tried customizing a huge mecha freely by assembling 'Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon'

When talking about From Software's 'Armored Core' series, you can't miss the 'Assemble' that allows you to freely customize your favorite machine by replacing various weapons and parts of the aircraft, and dynamically change its appearance and performance. element. Continuing from

the review of the previous tutorial, touched on the assembly and aircraft test of ' ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON (Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon, hereinafter: AC6)' released on Friday, August 25, 2023. I experienced the joy of selecting the optimal configuration while looking at the parameters displayed on the full screen.

ARMORED CORE VI OFFICIAL SITE | Armored Core 6 Official Site

Speaking of AC, it's about mechanical customization, so I tried assembling after playing the early stages and arranging the parts to some extent.

Aircraft assembly of 'Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon' looks like this - YouTube

If you advance the mission to some extent, the parts shop will be lifted and you can buy new parts.

As you can see by comparing the buying screen on the left and the selling screen on the right, the buying and selling prices of parts are the same. If you run out of money to buy the parts you want, you can sell other parts and buy them back when you need them, so it's OK to buy more and more parts.

And this is the assemble screen.

The performance of the part is explained in about 3 lines of text, and the main parameters are displayed below. The stats show that blue is better than the equipped part, and red is better performance.

Switching to the detailed screen looks like this. In this screen, the left side shows the change in the performance of that part due to the change of parts, and the right side shows the change in the performance of the entire AC.

You can check the behavior of some parts in the video, so it is useful for checking points where changes are difficult to understand with text or numerical values, such as the trajectory of a missile.

It can be confusing with so many numbers, but if you use the sorting function for each parameter, it's convenient when you want to make a tough aircraft, for example.

In addition, you can check the meaning of the parameters from the help.

It doesn't change the performance like assembling, but you can change the atmosphere of the aircraft by changing the color of the aircraft in detail with paint, so you will feel more attached to the aircraft.

I tried dyeing my favorite machine of 'Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon' to my own color - YouTube

Like past armored cores, you can choose your favorite coloring from presets or set the color yourself for each part.

For example, it is also ant to change the color of only the parts of the right arm.

The big difference from the previous work is that you can greatly change the texture of the aircraft with weathering.

You can make the AC shiny like new, or you can add rust and dirt to make it look like a battle-tested aircraft.

By using the decal function, it is possible to paste preset decals and self-made decals described later on the aircraft.

I pasted the decals to make it look like an F1 car.

There is also a function to make your own emblems and decals.

We will create by combining pieces of various designs and shapes.

I made one as a test and attached it to the fuselage. If you are an artist, you can paint your favorite machine like a pain car.

Even if you customize your own machine, you can't win a tough battle if you can't move it as you want in an actual battle. So, the following movie is the AC test that allows you to move the aircraft freely and shoot weapons.

Trial & error to your heart's content in AC test mode of 'Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon'-YouTube

In addition to being able to move freely in an empty place and check its behavior, it is also possible to set enemies.

The enemy can be switched between without standing AI and with AI that shoots like a real battle.

Furthermore, in addition to being able to assemble from the pause menu, it is also possible to move from the assemble screen to the test. This work seamlessly switches between testing and assembling, so trial and error is much stress-free compared to previous works.

Once you have finished customizing, save the configuration and coloring of the aircraft.

The play style of running through all battlefields with your favorite machine is also an ant, but basically Armored Core is a game system that rearranges parts more and more for each mission. Therefore, it is convenient to save the aircraft configuration for later when you want to return to the aircraft at that time.

There are also preset drawings, so those who find customization troublesome can use the aircraft configuration prepared in advance. Also, if you connect online, you can download aircraft etc. from IDs published by other people, so you can share recommended aircraft configurations on SNS etc. Already, if

you search for X , many people have shared their own aircraft configurations and self-made emblems.

In the previous article and this article, I've covered the main elements of AC6 for those who want to know what 'AC6' is like, or who are wondering whether to buy it. In the third article, I will pick up how AC6 is different from the Armored Core so far, and the unique charm of AC6 that I noticed while playing.

I tried to talk about the difference from the past work of 'Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon' and the points that are fully open from Software-GIGAZINE

in Review,   Video,   Game, Posted by log1l_ks