How will a nuclear war using nuclear weapons begin?

At the time of writing the article, it is

reported that there are about 12,520 nuclear warheads in the world. Kurzgesagt , a scientific YouTube channel, explains how a nuclear war using these nuclear weapons will start, assuming a scenario in which a fictitious country receives a nuclear attack from an enemy country.

How A Nuclear War Will Start - Minute by Minute - YouTube

A senior government official said, 'President, in 14 minutes, 'our country' will be hit with a nuclear missile! Only a president can authorize retaliation with a nuclear arsenal! A fictitious scenario called 'Starts.

Tensions with the other country have escalated rapidly in recent days, and we detected a missile launch as soon as joint allied air defense exercises began.

The sudden nuclear missile attack is supposed to neutralize as much of 'our country's' nuclear arsenal as possible. But now is not the time to talk about that. Missiles have already been launched and it will be difficult to shoot them all down.

The reason is that

an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) passes through space, re-enters the atmosphere above the target, and releases a nuclear warhead.

As we now know, 4 minutes ago 'our' infrared surveillance satellites picked up indications of 112 ICBMs being launched from within enemy territory.

'Our' Aerospace Command speculates that the ICBMs launched are aimed at 'our' nuclear headquarters, nuclear missile launch silos, and major Air Force and Navy bases.

It is also believed that major infrastructure near densely populated areas, such as power plants and port facilities, are being targeted.

The exact number of casualties in a failed defense could be in the millions today alone. Radioactive contamination could also cause tens of millions of casualties by the end of the month.

Therefore, a decision must be made within minutes.

Currently, a total of 1500 nuclear warheads are deployed in 'our country' silos, bombers and nuclear submarines. The 400 nuclear warheads deployed in silos must be launched now before they can be hit.

The 46 nuclear-capable bombers can take off in less than two minutes, but before that they must be given immediate orders to move out of the blast radius of an enemy nuclear missile.

Of the 14 nuclear submarines owned by 'our country', 5 are currently in service.

Being invisible to enemy radar while submerged, it can serve as a back-up for nuclear retaliation in the event of a silo or bomber loss.

Newly revealed that some missiles detonated nuclear warheads at high altitudes.

Detonation of a nuclear warhead at high altitude ionizes the atmosphere and causes radar interference.

Then the interception rate by anti-aircraft missiles will be reduced to 55%.

Launching a nuclear missile from a silo takes 5 minutes, plus time for the missile to escape outside the blast radius of the enemy bomb. Therefore, there is no more time to decide to retaliate and launch.

If we don't launch nuclear missiles now, this war will be over before it begins. The fallout from enemy attacks and ``our'' retaliation may cause

a nuclear winter , but it can also occur without ``our'' retaliation.

The curtain closed when a high-ranking official approached the president, saying, 'Don't think about the consequences, just make a decision to retaliate and launch a nuclear missile!'

Unlike normal warfare, nuclear warfare has little time to spare. Also, in a crisis situation where information is mixed, leaders may panic and lead to nuclear attack.

This story was fictional, but the world has been in danger of nuclear war several times in the past. In 1995, Russia went on full nuclear alert after mistaking an aurora research rocket for a nuclear missile launched from a submarine. This is known as the '

Norwegian Incident '.

Also in 1979, a training tape

was accidentally loaded into a computer in the United States, and the computer reported the start of a full-scale nuclear attack by the Soviet Union.

Furthermore, in 1983, the Soviet system misunderstood the sunlight reflected on the clouds as `` five ICBMs launched from the United States '' and

issued an alarm .

Misunderstandings and small mistakes can cause the safety system to fall apart, even in the most carefully designed safety devices. Kurzgesagt concludes, ``To eliminate nuclear war, it is important to continue dialogue, dismantle nuclear weapons one by one, and ultimately create a world without nuclear weapons.''

in Science,   Video, Posted by log1r_ut