What is 'stratospheric aerosol injection' that artificially imitates the eruption of a volcano and stops global warming?
Global warming continues to progress, and there is
Geoengineering: A Horrible Idea We Might Have to Do --YouTube
By the end of the 21st century, humanity is expected to reach a desperate situation. Decades of heat waves and droughts have caused unusual crop failures, and catches continue to decline year by year.
Not only did millions of people suffer from famine in the tropics, but there was also a war over resources, causing many refugees to move north.
Governments have come up with emergency measures, but desperate scenarios become a reality if world leaders fail to cope with climate change.
In the near future, it may be necessary to take drastic measures against rapidly evolving climate change. The drastic measure is '
Geoengineering studies large-scale interventions on the earth in a discipline aimed at repairing the environmental destruction that humankind has caused. However, the effects are unknown, and while centuries-old pollution of humankind can be restored, it can be worse than it is today.
The environmental intervention methods studied in geoengineering are based on fantasy methods such as 'building a large umbrella in outer space to block sunlight' and 'creating clouds from seawater', and 'sprinkling iron in the sea to algae.' There is a wide variety of methods, including rough methods such as 'increasing the breeding speed of the.'
This movie will explain '
Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) alone does not have the effect of warming the earth, and it is the energy of
The absorbed energy is re-emitted into the atmosphere as infrared rays, and CO 2 plays a role in trapping this infrared rays in the atmosphere.
This is similar to preventing the blanket from escaping body temperature when wrapped in a blanket in a cold room.
So one way to prevent global warming is to reduce the energy trapped by CO 2 .
Reducing the energy trapped is also a method that nature is already practicing. Twenty-nine percent of electromagnetic radiation is reflected by ice beds, deserts, snowy mountains, and clouds and released into outer space.
Now consider the energy released by nature. The 1991
The eruption had a major impact on the Earth's average temperature as a large amount of fine particles and gas that were launched remained in the stratosphere for some time.
Among the remaining fine particles and gas, the most notable one is '
The film formed by the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo reduced the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth by about 1%.
The average global temperature dropped by 0.5 ° C, and the cooling effect continued for three years.
Stratospheric aerosol injection is an attempt to artificially reproduce the cooling effect caused by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo by spraying sulfur particles directly into the stratosphere.
Spraying sulfur particles into the stratosphere is easily feasible with modern science and technology, and it is estimated that it costs only $ 8 billion a year (about 830 billion yen). $ 8 billion seems expensive, but it's very cheap considering the damage that global warming can do to the global economy.
As a means of actually spraying sulfur particles into the stratosphere, a method of 'flying a special spraying airplane once a year on the equator' is considered.
However, stratospheric aerosol infusions can also cause terrifying side effects. One of them is 'change in precipitation pattern'. If stratospheric aerosol injections reduce global rainfall, massive famines can occur and billions of people can be hit.
In addition to this, 'depletion of the ozone layer' can be considered. In fact, in the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, a film formed by sulfur dioxide caused the temperature of the earth's surface to drop and at the same time the temperature of the stratosphere to rise. The result is a hole in the ozone layer, making the
Regarding the effect on the ozone layer, there is a proposal that 'it may be improved by mixing
However, even if there is no effect on the ozone layer, stratospheric aerosol injection may not be a good method. If a stratospheric aerosol injection were to be performed, politicians and industry might not try to reduce CO 2 as 'already done'.
If the human race has continued to discharge the CO 2, CO 2 continues to be absorbed by the sea water, the acidity of seawater rises, huge ecosystems such as coral reefs will receive a fatal blow.
Preventing global warming with geoengineering interventions while continuing to emit CO 2 is like sitting on a time bomb. Once the geoengineering intervention is stopped, the accumulated CO 2 will cause global warming to progress at an unprecedented rate. (PDF file) According to a
In the worst-case scenario, massive famine and rapid ecosystem destruction may occur at the same time, making the Earth a planet of the dead.
To avoid this situation, it is necessary to understand that the world is at stake due to global warming, and that geoengineering is only a method of delaying global warming by 10 or 20 years. In the time earned by geoengineering, humankind must move to a carbon-free economy and develop technologies to capture CO 2 from the atmosphere.
Geoengineering has been controversial for decades, and many scientists studying geoengineering have abandoned the experiments needed to gain a better understanding.
However, it is short-sighted to completely deny geoengineering, as humanity is already emitting 40 billion tonnes of CO 2 each year and has already conducted geoengineering experiments on a global scale.
Hopefully you won't have to rely on geoengineering. But if the time comes when geoengineering intervention is needed, better intervention should be done. If you prepare in advance, you can survive the worst.
If not prepared in advance, humankind may be destroyed by its own power.
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