What are some ways to destroy a black hole? What happens if you destroy it?

A black hole is a celestial body with such a high density and mass that not even light can escape, formed by the collapse of a huge star that cannot withstand its own gravity. Kurzgesagt, a science YouTube channel, explains in animation how to destroy such a black hole.

What Happens If You Destroy A Black Hole?-YouTube

A black hole is a destructive object from which not even light can escape.

How can we destroy such a black hole?

Suppose that there is a black hole with the same mass as the moon, and nuclear weapons around the world are detonated around it.

Since the black hole swallows the matter and energy around it, all the energy of the nuclear weapon explosion will be sucked into the black hole. Since the absorbed energy turns into mass, the black hole becomes even larger and cannot be destroyed.

Next, let's destroy ' antimatter ' by hitting a black hole.

Antimatter is a substance that has exactly the same mass and

spin as a certain substance, but has the opposite properties such as the charge of the constituent elementary particles. When matter and antimatter collide, they disappear. . Therefore, let antimatter, which has exactly the same mass as the moon, collide with the black hole.

However, the matter that a black hole takes in does not matter what the charges are. As a result, smashing an antimatter moon into a black hole is no different than smashing a normal moon, only the black hole gets bigger.

Next, let's hit an 'anti-black hole' made of antimatter.

When anti-black holes with opposite charges of a black hole collide, their charges add and cancel each other out.

As a result, it is thought that a new black hole with twice the mass is formed instead of having no charge.

Next, let's consider a method of destroying the '

event horizon '.

Inside a black hole, there is an infinitely compressed 'singularity' with a powerful gravitational force.

Matter, including light, that is trapped in a singularity inside a black hole can never escape. This is why black holes look like black objects. The 'event horizon' is the limit to which light that is drawn into a black hole can escape.

When a black hole rotates, centrifugal force acts to push matter out of the interior, but matter is not actually pushed out under the black hole's strong gravity.

However, if the black hole rotates too fast, it will exert a stronger force pushing out matter, and it is thought that the event horizon will collapse.

It is said that a black hole whose event horizon has been destroyed leaves only a singularity, and the force that draws in surrounding matter weakens.

In order to destroy the event horizon leaving only the singularity, it is necessary to give the black hole a large amount of objects with small mass and high rotation speed. As a result, the charge and rotation speed of the black hole increase faster than the growth rate of the black hole with increasing mass.

It is believed that over-feeding a black hole can destroy it, but whether this is feasible is a matter of debate among physicists.

Black holes that exceed a certain amount of supply become negatively charged, increasing their repulsive force, rejecting matter and rejecting the excess supply.

Similarly in the case of rotation, black holes that reach a certain upper limit can no longer swallow substances.

In order to supply the black hole with excess material, it is considered important to administer an appropriate amount of material in an appropriate manner just before the supply reaches its upper limit.

It is possible to destroy a black hole by supplying an appropriate method and amount.

However, destroying the event horizon reveals a singularity that no one has ever seen before.

At worst, this singularity could disrupt our physics.

In fact, the singularity does not exist at the center of the black hole, but because time and space are distorted, the actual singularity is said to be in the future rather than our time.

If a singularity were to appear, not only would our physics collapse, but the structure of spacetime would collapse, and even the concept of time and space could disappear.

Black holes are sometimes feared as 'monsters in the universe', but in fact they may protect us from the collapse of space-time caused by singularities.

The only way to safely destroy a black hole is to wait for the black hole that has exhausted its '

Hawking radiation ' to slowly decay.

A decaying black hole is thought to disappear without leaving an event horizon or singularity. The time it takes for a black hole to annihilate depends on its mass, but it takes 1044 years for a black hole the size of a single dust particle to annihilate. It is theoretically possible to destroy a black hole by waiting for a period of 10 34 times the age of the universe, which is said to be about 13.8 billion years.

in Science,   Video, Posted by log1r_ut