`` Retort Gochi Repi Rice [Sesame Miso Tan Dan] '' where you can enjoy plenty of minced meat and sesame miso just by warming it in a microwave oven & `` Retort Gochi Repi Rice [Gumbo Rice] '' tasting review packed with umami of chicken and tomato

“Retort Gochi Lepi Rice” where you can enjoy the flavor of sesame and the spiciness of chili peppers just by heating it in a microwave oven, and “ Retort Gochi Lepi Rice” where you can enjoy the American dish “

Gumbo ” made with okra and chicken simmered in tomatoes. appeared on Monday, August 14, 2023. Both are foreign cuisines, but it is said that they are finished in a taste that suits Japanese tastes, so I tried to see what it tastes like by actually eating it.

Retort Gochi Repi Rice [Sesame Miso Dandan] | Product Catalog Top | House Foods

Retort Gochi Repi Rice [Gumbo Rice] | Product Catalog Top | House Foods

The package of 'Retort Gochi Repi Rice [Sesame Miso Dandan]' looks like this.

The name is 'under the bowl', and the raw materials include pork, sesame paste, bamboo shoots, bean sauce (toban jan), sweet noodles (tenmen jan), roasted spice paste and so on.

In the box, there was one serving of 'Retort Gochi Repi Rice [Sesame Miso Dandan]'.

'Retort gochi repi rice [sesame miso dandan]' can be cooked in a hot water bath or a microwave oven. This time it was warmed for 1 minute in a 600W microwave oven.

Serve the warmed 'Retort Gochi Repi Rice [Sesame Miso Dandan]' on the tableware.

Complete. The color is brown and you can see a lot of minced meat.

When you eat it, it feels pretty sweet at the moment you put it in your mouth, but the spiciness of the spices gradually spreads. In addition to containing a lot of minced meat, it was a nice point that the bamboo shoots added a crunchy texture.

The package of 'Retort Gochi Lepi Rice [Gumbo Rice]' looks like this.

Raw materials include onions, okra, red peppers, chicken, chicken extract, pork bouillon, tomato paste and so on.

Heat for 1 minute in a 600W microwave.

It's complete when you put it on the tableware.

When you eat it, the taste and aroma that combines multiple spices close to Mexican-style American cuisine such as tacos spreads. It is characteristic that the spiciness is weak and the umami of tomatoes and chicken is felt strongly. The package says 'Chicken and okra boiled in tomatoes', but I didn't feel the taste of okra, so it's a dish that would be appreciated by people who don't like the green smell peculiar to okra and children who don't like vegetables. had become

The tax-excluded reference price of `` Retort Gochi Repi Rice [Sesame Miso Dandan] '' and `` Retort Gochi Repi Rice [Gumbo Rice] '' is 292 yen, and has been available nationwide since August 14, 2023 (Monday). Also, at the time of writing the article, you can get a set of 5 at Amazon.co.jp for 1577 yen including tax.

Amazon | House Retort Gochi Repi Rice Sesame Miso Dandan 140g x 5 pieces [Microwave compatible, easy cooking in the microwave Satisfying one dish menu] | Gochi Repi | Stew mail order

Amazon | House Retort Gochi Repi Rice Gumbo Rice 150g x 5 [Range compatible, easy cooking in the range Satisfying one dish menu] | Gochi Repi | Stew mail order

in Tasting, Posted by log1o_hf