[Old News] Text editor 'Vim' developer Bram Moorner died

Dutch software developer

Bram Moorner , known for developing the text editor 'Vim', died on August 3, 2023 due to illness. I was 62 years old. Moorner's family said his illness had progressed rapidly in recent weeks.

Message from the family of Bram Moolenaar

Dev world mourns loss of Vim creator Bram Moolenaar


Vim creator Bram Moolenaar dies aged 62 • The Register


``Vim'' developed by Mr. Murner has become the default text editor in many Linux distributions, and the news site The Register calls Mr. Murner ''Aside from the kernel, it is used by more people than any other Linux tool. A person who has had an impact,” he said.

On the other hand, Mr. Murner is also known as a philanthropist, and after visiting Uganda for volunteer activities in 1993, he established the 'International Children's Support Fund Netherlands' (ICCF Holland). Since 1995, Vim has been made a 'charityware' that encourages donations to the ICCF although it is free to use.

ICCF supports a school for AIDS orphans in southern Uganda. Mr. Moorner himself moved to Uganda for a year and said that he had developed Vim on a laptop PC driven by a car battery. Mr. Murner last visited Uganda in 2020, just before the pandemic of the new coronavirus, and reported on the situation there with many photos.

ICCF Holland - News

Mr. Murner was interviewed by software development company

evrone in January 2022 and said, ``Vim is an important part of my life,'' and ``I have never wanted to make money with Vim.'' says.

Vim Creator Bram Moolenaar Interview by Evrone

In October 2022, Mr. Moorner reported on his health problems.

Health updates

However, GitHub shows that it was active until July 8, 2023, indicating that the progression of the disease was really rapid.

brammool (Bram Moolenaar) · GitHub

in Note,   Software, Posted by logc_nt