Zoom, which has grown rapidly due to the increase in remote work, requests employees to ``go to work twice a week''

The video conferencing tool industry, including Zoom, has grown significantly as more companies have introduced remote work during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). However, it was reported that such Zoom requested employees living near the office to 'come to work twice a week.'

Even Zoom is making its staff return to the office | CNN Business


Zoom asks employees to return to office for first time since COVID-19 pandemic | Fox Business

Zoom tells employees to return to office for work

As remote work has been introduced worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic, video conferencing tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams have gained a lot of attention as a means of communication for companies and organizations. Under such circumstances, Zoom has achieved significantly higher growth than before, but due to the decrease in demand for remote work due to the relaxation of restrictions on going out and the economic recession, 1300 people, equivalent to 15% of all employees, will be laid off in 2023. Did.

Zoom announced that it will dismiss 1,300 people, about 15% of all employees, and the CEO himself will reduce about 98% of his salary - GIGAZINE

Newly, it turned out that Zoom requires all employees living within 50 miles (about 80 km) of the office to `` come to the office at least twice a week ''. .

A Zoom spokesperson said in a statement, 'We believe that a structured hybrid approach, where employees who live close to the office come to work twice a week to interact with the team, works best for Zoom. We believe,' he said. 'As a company, we are better positioned to continue to innovate and support our global customers using our proprietary technology.'

As of January 2022, Zoom said only 2% of its employees were working in the office, and this policy change is expected to affect many employees. The media companies have expressed the view that it is ironic that Zoom, which has grown as a remote work tool, has shown the attitude of returning to the office.

Zoom's shift in direction may come as a surprise, but the return to the office movement is spreading across the tech industry. As of 2022, Tesla had notified employees that ``remote work is no longer allowed'', and in June 2023, Google will ``go to the office three days a week'' in its work evaluation policy. was reported to be

In addition, Amazon, which obliged employees to work at least three days a week from May 2023, requested some employees to move to Seattle headquarters, New York, San Francisco offices, etc. doing.

Amazon to request relocation to some employees to return to the office - GIGAZINE

On the other hand, a 2021 survey also found that 30% of American workers 'absolutely do not want to go to work', and actually served as machine learning director at AppleIan Goodfellow There was also a case where he resigned because he was dissatisfied with being 'required to work in the office two days a week.'

30% of workers think ``I definitely do not want to go to work''-GIGAZINE

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik