Successful preclinical trial of ``AOH1996'', a revolutionary molecule that can kill all cancer tumor cells, and clinical trials for humans are also underway

A research team at

City of Hope , a prominent cancer treatment center in the United States, has succeeded in a preclinical study using mice of a molecule ' AOH1996 ' that targets the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) of cancer tumor cells. announced. AOH1996 is a drug that targets PCNA, which has an important role in DNA replication of cancer cells, and is expected to have the potential to eradicate cancer tumor cells.

Small molecule targeting of transcription-replication conflict for selective chemotherapy: Cell Chemical Biology

City of Hope scientists develop targeted chem | EurekAlert!

A New Mode of Cancer Treatment | Science | AAAS

Cancer cells autonomously divide and proliferate beyond the normal range due to abnormalities in the genes of normal cells, and have various adverse effects on body tissues. Cancer patients are treated with anticancer drugs and immunotherapy, but cancer cells may mutate to become resistant to treatment and recur repeatedly.

For 20 years, Linda Marcus, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Experimental Therapeutics at City of Hope, has been working on a protein named 'AOH1996' that targets PCNA, a protein that is essential in DNA replication and repair in cancer cells. I have been developing anticancer drugs. Since PCNA is present in all cells, if a drug can be developed that targets only PCNA in cancer cells rather than in normal cells, it may become an effective therapeutic agent against many cancer cells. That's what I'm talking about.

When the research team tested the anticancer activity of AOH1996 in more than 70 cancer cell lines and control normal cells, AOH1996 disrupted the reproductive cycle of cancer cells and selectively killed cancer cells. was confirmed. While AOH1996 prevented cancer cells from replicating and transcribing DNA and caused cancer cell apoptosis , it did not disrupt the normal reproductive cycle of stem cells.

In addition, in experiments with mice with cancer tumors derived from either neuroblastoma , breast cancer, or small cell lung cancer , tumors were significantly increased in mice that were administered AOH1996 daily compared to the control group. was found to decrease to Mice treated with AOH1996 did not experience side effects such as mortality or weight loss.

“PCNA is like a terminal hub for a major airline with multiple boarding gates,” Marcus said. have been able to develop a drug that targets only PCNA in cancer cells.Our anticancer drug is closing major airline hubs and canceling all flights carrying only cancer cells. It's like a blizzard that makes you fall,' he commented.

City of Hope has already conducted a phase I clinical trial to administer AOH1996 to human cancer patients and confirm its safety and efficacy. Subjects are adult cancer patients who are refractory to standard treatments and will take AOH1996 in the form of a pill twice a day.

Cancer Center Announces First Patient Has Received City of Hope's Novel, Potentially Cancer-Stopping Pill | City of Hope

in Science, Posted by log1h_ik