Research results supporting the existence of the dream room-temperature, normal-pressure superconductor 'LK-99' are announced one after another, and a video suggesting that the reproduced LK-99 is a superconducting material is also released.

In July 2023, a Korean research team published a paper claiming to have developed a material called

LK-99 , which becomes superconducting at room temperature and normal pressure, and has attracted great attention from researchers around the world. New research results supporting room-temperature and normal-pressure superconductivity in LK-99 have been announced by researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the United States and Shenyang National Laboratory in China. A video suggesting the superconductivity of LK-99 was also released.

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Tracking LK-99 Superconductor Replication Efforts With Meissner Effect |

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Superconductivity is a phenomenon in which the electrical resistance of metals, compounds, etc. transitions to zero, and its characteristics such as ``transferring energy with zero loss'' and ``generating a strong magnetic field'' are being applied to various applications such as linear motor cars and MRI. It is used in various fields. Until now, superconductivity was only confirmed when a material was cooled to an ultra-low temperature, but in July 2023, a South Korean research team discovered that a material called LK-99 achieved superconductivity at room temperature and pressure. We announced the results of our research.

A paper and movie that claims to have developed a ``substance that becomes superconducting at room temperature and normal pressure'' will be published - GIGAZINE

Room-temperature and normal-pressure superconductivity, which is expected to be applied in a wide range of fields, is attracting a lot of attention, and the scientific journal Science has published an article explaining the paper . On the Internet, there is heated debate over the question, ``If superconductivity at room temperature becomes possible, what kind of applications will it be possible to use?''

Discussions are heating up about what can be achieved with technology that ``makes superconductivity possible at room temperature and normal pressure'' - GIGAZINE

Since groundbreaking papers on room-temperature and normal-pressure superconductivity have repeatedly been published, doubts have been raised, or they have been retracted, there are also skeptical opinions about LK-99. However, this time, researchers in the United States and China have each announced preliminary research results supporting LK-99, increasing the credibility of LK-99.

Sinead Griffin , a researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, used a supercomputer to simulate the superconductivity of LK-99. Mr. Griffin reported that the simulation results confirmed that LK-99 exhibits superconducting pathways, and also showed that superconducting pathways are formed only in specific regions of the compound. A paper published by a research team at China's Shenyang National Research Institute and elsewhere also calculated the electronic structure of LK-99 and its parent compound, supporting the idea that LK-99 is a superconducting material.

In addition, a research team at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China conducted a reproduction experiment of LK-99 in the laboratory and released a video showing how the purified substance exhibits diamagnetic properties. Diamagnetism refers to the magnetism that occurs when a substance is magnetized in the opposite direction of the magnetic field when a magnetic field is applied, repelling the magnet. Although diamagnetism itself exists in all materials, diamagnetism is very weak in ordinary materials, and superconductors have an exceptionally strong complete diamagnetism (Meissner effect) .

The small dot indicated by the golden bar is the LK-99 reproduced by the research team.

LK-99 zoomed with a microscope looks like this.

Bring the magnet close to LK-99.

Then, LK-99 stopped moving in an upright position. This movement is the result of LK-99 being repelled by all magnetic fields, suggesting that LK-99 has a Meissner effect.

If you compare it with the video below released by the original Korean research team, you can see that each substance behaves similarly.

A movie that claims to have 'confirmed magnetic levitation of a superconductor at room temperature and normal pressure' [LK-99] - YouTube

The new video shows that purified LK-99 has strong diamagnetism, but the video only shows the diamagnetism, and the superconducting state is not shown in the video. Caution is required.

Scientific magazine Science once again explains the confusion and reproducibility of papers on 'superconductivity' at room temperature and normal pressure - GIGAZINE

in Science,   Video,   , Posted by log1h_ik