Discussions about what can be realized with technology `` enabling superconductivity at room temperature and normal pressure '' are incandescent



The paper submitted on July 22, 2023, ``Realizing superconductivity even at room temperature,'' overturned the conventional wisdom of superconductivity that ``electric resistance becomes 0 when a specific substance is cooled.'' Hacker News, a social news site, is discussing what will be possible if superconductivity becomes feasible even at room temperature.

Ask HN: Room temperature superconductor: what to expect? | Hacker News

Superconductivity, which occurs when certain substances such as metals and compounds are cooled to extremely low temperatures, was known as a phenomenon that basically does not occur unless the substance is cooled to a temperature close to -200 degrees.

Meanwhile, a research team at the Korean research institute `` Quantum Energy Research Center '' published a paper on July 22, 2023 on the preprint server arXiv, stating that `` superconductivity at room temperature and normal pressure '' was realized.

A paper and movie stating that ``a substance that becomes superconducting at room temperature and normal pressure'' has been developed will be released-GIGAZINE

In addition, the scientific journal Science explains the room temperature superconducting technology this time.

The scientific journal Science explains a paper that synthesizes a substance that becomes ``superconducting'' at normal temperature and pressure-GIGAZINE

by Julien Bobroff

Assuming that this room-temperature superconducting technology is proven and can be used technically, one user commented, ``The problem of heat generation, which has hindered efficient operation in electronic equipment, has been resolved, and CPUs, GPUs, It makes memory faster and more efficient than ever before.' He also talks about the possibility of ``lowering the cost of long-distance power transmission and MRI equipment'' and ``progressing the realization of nuclear fusion reactors.''

The user also expects that maglev trains such as maglev trains will become the lowest cost means of transportation with room temperature superconducting technology, and as research progresses, private cars and trucks will also be able to It mentions the possibility of becoming a motor car, or the possibility of roads replaced by magnetic rails.

Some users hope that the establishment of room temperature superconducting technology will enable the construction of a global power grid that can be exchanged around the world, such as delivering renewable energy generated in Africa to Europe.

In addition, users who are expecting the development of a compact and portable fMRI using room temperature superconducting technology said, It may be possible to measure brain activity with very high resolution simply by wearing a device like a helmet.'

On the other hand, for a portable 'portable MRI', one user said, 'It requires a very complicated process that requires a magnet large enough to surround the human body and a material that can withstand the magnetic force.' He points out that the development of portable MRI is difficult with modern technology.

Furthermore, regarding the discovery of this research team, some users gave harsh opinions , saying, ``The success of this room-temperature superconducting technology is nothing more than an outlier or measurement error, and it seems to be overestimated.'' Until multiple follow-up tests have been performed on the results and the effect has been demonstrated, I do not have high hopes for room temperature superconducting technology,' said one user.

However, one user said , ``This discovery is not part of the magic that suddenly appeared, but a new starting point and milestone for future room-temperature superconducting technology research.''

in Science, Posted by log1r_ut