A nematode that had been sleeping for 46,000 years in the Siberian permafrost revived and bred, and genome analysis turned out to be a ``new species''

An international effort to revive an ancient nematode found in Siberian permafrost has revealed that the worm is a new species resurrected from an earlier age than previously thought, about 46,000 years ago. . If the results of this research are certain, the longest record of
A novel nematode species from the Siberian permafrost shares adaptive mechanisms for cryptobiotic survival with C. elegans dauer larva | PLOS Genetics
Ancient Worm Resurrected After 46,000 Years of Death-Defying Limbo : ScienceAlert
Scientists Resurrected an Extinct Animal Frozen for 46,000 Years in Siberia
46,000-Year-Old Worm Possibly Revived from Siberian Permafrost - Scientific American
In 2018, two species of nematodes found in Siberian permafrost were thawed and brought back to life. Of the two species, the one found in the Alazeya River Basin is estimated to be 42,000 years old, while the other found in the lower Colima River is estimated to be about 32,000 years old. I was.
Insects that have been frozen for 40,000 years in the permafrost of Siberia come back to life - GIGAZINE

In this study, a research team at the Max Planck Institute in Germany conducted genome analysis after breeding more than 100 generations of nematodes revived from the permafrost near the Kolyma River, and found that it was a new species. rice field. The research team named the new nematode Panagrolaimus kolymaensis because it belongs to the genus Panagrolaimus and was found in the Kolyma River.
According to the research team, P. kolymaensis is a parthenogenetic species, so it can reproduce only with females. Because there is no need to mate, if the temperature and humidity are maintained properly and placed on an agar medium, the eggs can be laid and propagated by themselves, but the 2,000 to 4,000 eggs required for genetic analysis are still needed. It seems that it was not easy to propagate the nematodes.
Genetic analysis also revealed that P. kolymaensis possesses genes that Caenorhabditis elegans, a widely used experimental nematode, uses to enter cryptobiosis.
In addition, the research team revealed from the results of radiocarbon dating of plants collected in the same place as the nematodes that the nematodes had been frozen 46,000 years ago instead of 32,000 years ago. bottom. The longest recorded resurrection of a nematode from a cryptobiotic state so far is 39 years , and the record of P. kolymaensis far exceeds that.
In 2021, rotifers found in the permafrost of Siberia revived for the first time in 24,000 years, but P. kolymaensis almost doubled this record.
Microorganisms recovered from permafrost revive after 24,000 years - GIGAZINE

In the future, the research team would like to elucidate the role of common genes related to cryptobiosis and the upper limit of how long nematodes can survive in hibernation.
“These findings have important implications for understanding the evolutionary process, because the generation of C. elegans, which normally dies in a matter of days, can extend to thousands of years, and the possibility that individuals can survive for a long period of time. This is because lineages that were once extinct in 2010 may reappear,' the researchers wrote in their paper.
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