Pointed out that the judicial reform law promoted by the Netanyahu administration ``will give unlimited power to the Israeli regime''

Regarding the policy being pursued by Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, who has entered the government of Israel, the business newspaper Financial Times has developed an editorial that 'the Supreme Court will be neutralized and unlimited power will be obtained.'

Israeli democracy is fighting for its life | Financial Times


Israel does not have a 'constitution', and an alternative Basic Law forms the basis of the country's judicial system. There is no upper house of parliament, no federal system, and there is nothing to check the power of the government except the Supreme Court. It is a judicial reform law

that includes content that eliminates the existing power to invalidate decisions.

Lawmakers in Netanyahu's coalition have already announced their intention to pursue policies and pass laws that discriminate against Arabs, women and LGBTQ people. With the Supreme Court out of the way, there will be nothing to stop the government, and fears have surfaced that the government could rig future elections, and Israel's upcoming elections are merely a formality. It is also pointed out that it will be a thing.

If a dictatorship is established in Israel, it will not only affect the people of Israel. The Financial Times reported, 'The ruling coalition is led by

Messianic religious fanatics espousing a Jewish supremacist ideology, which seeks to annex the occupied Palestinian territories to Israel without giving the Palestinians citizenship. and ultimately lead to the destruction of the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of the holy sites of Islam, and the construction of a new Jewish temple in its place.' This is largely due to the presence of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who demanded the disappearance of entire Palestinian towns in retaliation for the murder of two Jewish settlers.

The Financial Times said, 'The good news is that in recent months a powerful resistance movement has emerged to save Israeli democracy, rejecting the ideology of Jewish supremacy and connecting with the age-old tradition of Jewish tolerance. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis are demonstrating, protesting and resisting in all non-violent ways, including hundreds of air force pilots, cyberwarfare experts and elite force commanders. More than 10000 Army Reserves have declared that they will not serve the dictatorship and will cease military service if judicial reforms continue. Yes, it is a duty to Jewish tradition and a duty to humanity.'

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