Finally to the end of Google Play support for 'Android 4.4 KitKat'

Since its release in 2013, Android 4.4 KitKat, which has been strongly supported for 10 years and has been described as 'Android's Windows XP' due to its stability, will no longer support Google Play services from August 2023. I was.
Android Developers Blog: Google Play services discontinuing updates for KitKat (API levels 19 & 20) starting August 2023

Android 4.4 KitKat is truly dead, loses Play Services support | Ars Technica
In its developer blog updated on July 24, 2023, Google announced that it will no longer provide new updates for Google Play Services starting in August for Android 4.4 KitKat, starting with version 23.90.99.
Regarding the reason for the end of support, Google said, ``In July 2023, the number of active devices for KK (Android 4.4 KitKat) is less than 1% due to an increase in users updating to the latest Android version.'' He explained that the decrease in users was behind it.
Below is a graph showing the share of each version on active Android devices. As pointed out by Google, the market share of Android 4.4 KitKat is 0.5%.

Android 4.4 KitKat released in 2013 was packed with many new features such as wireless printing function 'Android Printing', high-speed multitasking, enhanced NFC support, sensor power saving.
Summary of new functions installed in Google's new OS 'Android 4.4 KitKat' - GIGAZINE

by Jon Fingers
If you can no longer receive updates to Google Play services, smartphones with Android 4.4 KitKat installed will not be able to log in to your Google account, will be blocked from services such as Play store, Gmail, Google Maps, etc., and Google support will be virtually discontinued. You can
Not only smartphones are affected, but early Android-powered smartwatches that use Android 4.4 KitKat are also affected, so Ars Technica, an IT news site, said, ``This end of support is for mobile phones that were used 10 years ago. It will be the first shutdown that not only kills the phone, but also terminates the early Android watch released on KitKat.'
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in Software, Posted by log1l_ks