YouTube is testing 'a function that doubles the playback speed simply by long pressing' and 'a function that prevents malfunction by tapping'

Various new features are being tested on YouTube, and you can experience them quickly with the paid plan YouTube Premium. Since YouTube is testing 'function to prevent malfunction by tapping', 'function to double playback speed just by long pressing', and 'function to enlarge video preview screen' for YouTube Premium members, I checked what it actually does.

YouTube testing gesture that lets you quickly 2x playback speed

YouTube is testing a new way to let you easily watch videos at 2x speed - The Verge

I checked out the new features that YouTube is testing with an account that is actually registered with YouTube Premium. To try out YouTube's new features, tap the icon in the upper right corner of the browser version of YouTube or the YouTube app.

Tap Your Premium Benefits.

Tap 'Try new features'.

If you are a YouTube Premium member, you can activate 3 new features by tapping the 'Try It' button. The first is a function to prevent erroneous operations due to unintentional taps with screen lock.

With the function enabled, display YouTube in full screen and tap the gear icon in the upper right to display the playback screen.

Since there is 'Lock screen' on the playback screen, tap this.

Then, the following button display appeared and the screen was locked. The 'Tap to unlock' button disappears immediately after locking, but when you tap the corresponding part, the button appears again.

Tap this button to unlock.

The second function is 'Long press to watch at double speed'.

This is a function that automatically doubles the playback speed by clicking or tapping anywhere on the player and holding down. Until now, it was necessary to select the playback speed from the setting screen and select the speed, but with this function you can fast forward immediately without opening the setting screen.

The third is a function called 'move while checking with a large preview'

In the conventional YouTube UI, moving the playback bar of the player displayed a small preview screen as shown below.

On the other hand, the new function displays a large preview screen as shown below, making it easier to see the preview screen than ever before.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk