Elon Musk's private jet location tracking account revived on Threads

College student Jack Sweeney, the creator of the Twitter account `` @ ElonJet '' that was banned by tracking the position of Elon Musk's private jet, is a new Meta Threads launched as a Twitter competing service. A new tracking account @elonmusksjet has been launched.
The Twitter bot tracking Elon Musk's private jet resurfaces on Threads - The Verge
Suspended Twitter account tracking Elon Musk's jet moves to Threads | Reuters
Mr. Sweeney has been running an account that tweets the takeoff and landing information of private jets owned by Mr. Mask for a long time, and has been stared at by Mr. Mask.
A 19-year-old who built a system that can track private jets is presented with a hush fee from Elon Mask - GIGAZINE

And in December 2022, @ElonJet was finally banned from Twitter. This ban caused a huge uproar as the journalists who reported on @ElonJet's ban were also banned across the board .
Twitter account tracking Earon Mask's private jet is BAN - GIGAZINE

Since then, @ElonJet has been revived , but Mr. Musk has not withdrawn his claim that @ElonJet is a policy violation.
Account to track Earon Mask's private jet eliminated from Twitter revived, but delayed by 24 hours - GIGAZINE

Mr. Sweeney explained '@elonmusksjet' on July 6 when the Threads service started. In the second post, I asked CEO Zuckerberg, 'Can I be (in Threads)?' There was no response from CEO Zuckerberg, but as of July 8, @elonmusksjet's account was frozen along with his Instagram account.
However, the account quickly revived, and @elonmusksjet has already started tweeting the movement of private jets.
In addition, Mr. Sweeney also tracked and posted the movement of CEO Zuckerberg's private jet on Facebook and Instagram, suggesting that he will track the movement of CEO Zuckerberg's private jet again.
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in Web Service, Vehicle, Posted by log1i_yk