Detecting evidence of `` background gravitational waves '' that may be traces of the origin of the universe, or `` making an important announcement '' on June 30, 2023, the research organization announced

The North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav), a consortium of astronomers who detect gravitational waves, has announced that it will hold an important announcement event on June 30, 2023, Japan time. From observation data over more than 15 years, it is said that traces of `` background gravitational waves '' have been grasped.

[2306.16213] The NANOGrav 15-year Data Set: Evidence for a Gravitational-Wave Background

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Massive stars can become so massive that they explode as supernovae and become neutron stars . If the neutron star has strong magnetism, it will become a celestial body called ' pulsar ' that periodically emits very strong electromagnetic waves as it rotates. Electromagnetic waves emitted from pulsars can also be caught on the earth, and NANOGrav has been observing electromagnetic waves emitted from 68 pulsars for 15 years.

The electromagnetic waves emitted from the pulsar are periodically emitted at short intervals, but the NANOGrav research team has announced a preprint that they have discovered a disturbance that is a trace of `` background gravitational waves '' in that period.

For example, when supermassive black holes collide with each other, space itself is distorted. At this time, the 'background gravitational wave' is generated by undulating the entire gravitational field. Until now, gravitational wave detection has detected gravitational waves emitted from massive black holes that orbit several to several thousand times per second. The point is that traces of ultra-low frequency background gravitational waves could be observed from the period of . In other words, the conventional gravitational wave detection was ``noticing waves when you are on a ship and shaken by the waves. It can be said that it is something that you will notice.

Background gravitational waves are also generated by collisions of massive black holes, but they may also be traces of `` cosmic inflation '', which caused the rapid expansion of the early universe. In other words, the fact that we were able to detect traces of background gravitational waves may serve as evidence to support the ``inflation theory of the universe'' proposed in 1981, and in that sense it is a very big discovery.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said of NANOGrav's discovery, 'Congratulations to NANOGrav for detecting evidence that gravitational waves permeate the universe. Background gravitational waves in cosmic structures can be traced back to massive black holes. 'It happens when objects orbit each other before colliding. This result brings us closer to understanding how galaxies evolve.'

NANOGrav will be broadcasting the public announcement event live from June 30, 2023 at 2:00 am Japan time. The launch event will report the results of the analysis of data sets collected over the past 15 years and the interpretation of those results.

NANOGrav-15 Years of Gravitational Wave Research-YouTube

in Science,   Video, Posted by log1i_yk