Two men who earned more than 3.2 billion yen by complaining that they have the copyright of unrelated songs will be sentenced to 5 years and 10 months in prison

Two men living in the United States were sentenced to imprisonment for 70 months
US Seeks 70-Month Prison Sentence for YouTube Content ID Scammer * TorrentFreak

Man who stole more than $23 million in YouTube music royalties scam faces 70-month prison sentence | TechSpot
Authors can use Content IDs to find videos that match content uploaded to YouTube. If a matching video is found, the author can make a claim and take measures such as monetizing the corresponding content and earning money for the author himself.
Defendants José Medina Terran and Webster Batista abused the Content ID mechanism to find non-monetized songs among content uploaded to YouTube and uploaded them to their channels, claimed to own the copyright to the song.
To receive royalties from these videos, the defendants set up a company called MediaMuv. Send a fake document claiming that ``we own the copyright of more than 50,000 songs'' to a copyright registration agency called AdRev and leave it to collect the copyright royalty fee, and as a result it is irrelevant It is said that he earned a total of 23 million dollars (about 3.3 billion yen) from these songs.
It turns out that an unrelated company claiming copyright was unfairly gaining YouTube's revenue of 3 billion yen or more - GIGAZINE

According to Terran's lawyer, Batista was the ringleader, and Terran, who was an aspiring musician, respected Batista and believed that together they could realize their dreams of making music, movies and music videos. matter.
Batista pleaded guilty in April 2022, and Terran, who had pleaded not guilty, pleaded guilty in February 2023 and agreed to a plea bargain. Some of the illegally obtained profits were used to purchase a $ 550,000 (about 79 million yen) mansion, Tesla, BMW, and jewelry, but as part of the plea bargain, they were all confiscated. it was done.
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in Web Service, Posted by log1p_kr