A hacker steals 80 GB of data from Reddit and threatens to 'leak if API charging is not withdrawn'

ALPHV (BlackCat) , a ransomware group that is said to have been involved in cyberattacks on

Western Digital and Bandai Namco HD , reveals that it has 80GB of confidential data on Reddit, which is controversial due to API charges. Did. BlackCat threatens Reddit that 'unless you withdraw the API's change of terms, we will publish confidential data.'

Reddit hackers threaten to leak data stolen in February breach

Hackers threaten to leak 80GB of confidential data stolen from Reddit | TechCrunch

On February 10, 2023, Reddit was attacked by a phishing attack and allowed hacking from the outside, leaking several internal documents and source code. BlackCat claims they were involved in this attack.

Reddit is hacked and source code and internal data are stolen - GIGAZINE

BlackCat says, ``I own 80 GB of confidential data stolen from Reddit.In exchange for deleting this data, withdraw the charge for the API and pay a ransom of $ 4.5 million (about 640 million yen). ' threatened Reddit.

Since Reddit announced on April 18, 2023 that it will charge an API, it has received a strong backlash from many Reddit users. Users collude to intentionally close thousands of communities, refuse new posts, protest, and demand that the API be revoked.

Reddit management threatened to take away the moderator's authority if it did not stop protesting and made a fuss, while the CEO praised Elon Mask for messing up Twitter and firing his employees, and the official app review 5 Star rating is also suspected of work - GIGAZINE

According to BlackCat, he contacted Reddit twice on April 13 and June 16, 2023, but did not receive a reply. BlackCat has decided that it is a ``great opportunity'' following the confusion of Reddit and has said that it has been released this time.

Reddit has not shared detailed information about the cyberattack or the person behind the attack, but Reddit spokesperson Gina Antonini told TechCrunch that 'BlackCat's allegations were made on Reddit on February 9. It is related to the cyber incident confirmed on the day.' Meanwhile, it's unclear exactly what kind of data the hackers stole, and BlackCat has not shared any evidence of the data theft.

in Web Service,   Security, Posted by log1p_kr