What are 5 ways to overcome anxiety and negative thoughts when creating?

While I was working on my creation, I fell into a slump and couldn't continue. And you can hit various mental walls. Five tips for overcoming such barriers are summarized by

Psych2Go , a YouTube channel that explains mental health and psychology in animation.

5 Steps to Overcome Creative Burnout-YouTube

Many people have experienced anxiety and despair when doing creative activities such as writing sentences and drawing pictures. This type of anxiety is sometimes described as 'closed artistic inspiration' or 'feeling anxious or depressed about one's creative skills'.

These feelings often stem from the pressure of being exposed in an industry where others criticize them, and the demands they place on themselves to be near perfection. In fact,

Ernest Hemingway is known to have been working on revising the text until just before sending the manuscript to the printing house, but Hemingway still wrote the work with the confidence that it was 'ready for publication.' It is said that very little is finished.

Also, as an example of a similar creative anxiety, the movie lists the character

Blurry Face created by Tyler Joseph of the rock band Twenty One Pilots . According to Joseph, Blurryface 'represents all that makes us feel insecure,' and is the title of the band's fourth album about mental health, doubt, and more. It is

In addition,

Edvard Munch , famous for ' The Scream ,' is said to have created a painting that made the sky blood red after experiencing indescribable anxiety while taking a walk. He points out that this is also an example of 'creativity anxiety' that artists can experience.

As in the case of Hemingway, Joseph, and Munch, creativity anxiety can fuel creative minds and lead to great work. However, the path to unleash creativity from negative emotions and minds is a difficult one. Therefore, in the movie, we explain good activities for creators to work on as `` 5 tips for overcoming creativity anxiety ''.

The first step to overcoming creativity anxiety is to recognize that the obstacle is there.

Once you accept the existence of the fears and worries you face, you can work to alleviate them. Writing down the causes of your anxiety is also a great way to get your anxiety out of your head once and for all.

But sometimes it feels like you don't want to do the work of writing down what's causing your anxiety. At that time, exercise and meditation also help to organize the mind. Exercise releases

euphoric endorphins in your brain's opioid receptors , and endorphins act as a 'natural pain reliever' that permeates your entire body and relieves a wide variety of pain. Meditation also allows you to reach a state of zen that purifies your mind, allowing you to rest, let go of anxious thoughts, and return to your creative work with a clean slate.

The second step to overcoming creativity anxiety is to take a break.

Another obstacle to creativity anxiety can be creative “burnout.” Creative burnout is when you feel like you've run out of creativity because you're trying so hard to create that there's nothing left. Symptoms of burnout include being easily stressed and tired, feeling afraid to create, and feeling incapable of creating.

If you feel even the slightest hint of burnout, it's important to get plenty of rest.

The amount of time needed to rest varies from person to person, with some recovering after a few hours of sleep and others taking several days. Whether it's reading a book, watching your favorite TV show, or taking a relaxing vacation, the movie suggests that it's important to hit the brakes, even if it takes a few weeks. The brakes will refuel your creative reservoir and bring you back to a stress-free state.

As a third step to overcome creativity anxiety, the movie recommends 'getting feedback'.

They often use themselves as critics of the work first. But we ourselves are often the worst critics. It's easy to look at yourself harshly, and when it's bad, you may judge the work as garbage.

Therefore, before making the final judgment, I would like to show my work to someone and have an unbiased opinion as to whether the work is really bad enough to be judged as garbage, or if it is a rough stone that can shine with a little polishing. You have to judge.

The fourth effective approach to creativity anxiety is 'searching for inspiration'. More specifically, in addition to actively receiving inspiration that lives in creation, it is important to know the identity of that inspiration in detail.

We are all inspired by someone or something, often unconsciously. By revisiting the source of inspiration, you can take a “creative journey” to explore why you are working on what you are doing. Also, taking inspiration from people like Hemingway, Joseph, and Munch who didn't give up in the midst of creative anxiety and worked on their creations in their darkest moments can also be an important change. be connected.

British writer Neil Gaiman said, 'Good art is made when you are in pain.' It's during these tough times that inspiration and creative thought adventures can calm your fears and keep you creative.

A fifth key to overcoming creativity anxiety is to be kind to yourself.

Even when I'm creatively successful, I'm afraid that what if I'm at my best now and can't come up with any good ideas in the future? You may fall into negative thoughts, such as becoming timid if everyone's reaction suddenly becomes bad. This is due to the thought slipping downhill by assuming that your current creativity is at its peak.

At such times, I think it is important to be kind to yourself, saying, 'Even great people start somewhere. I'm just beginning my creative journey.' said in the movie. Other positive phrases include, 'I keep coming up with ideas that make me happy,' 'My creative voice is worth listening to,' and 'What if my next creative adventure doesn't go well?' Even if you didn't, the next opportunity will come soon.'

By thinking positively, you can break the ties that bind you to fearful thoughts and give you the chance to overcome your fears and become successful. Creativity is a divine blessing and a curse that brings fear and anxiety. Still, it's important to try different approaches to overcoming your fears and anxieties so that you don't get overwhelmed with undue stress.

in Video, Posted by log1e_dh