Purchased Office applications such as Word and Excel and price increases for Microsoft 365 will be announced

Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd. has announced price increases for Office products such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The implementation date of the price increase is June 1, 2023, and the products subject to the price increase include not only purchased Office products but also the subscription service Microsoft 365.
Price changes for Microsoft 365 and Office products for consumers - Windows Blog for Japan

The sales prices of purchased Office apps after June 1, 2023 are as follows.
product name | Price at the time of article creation (excluding tax) | Prices after June 1, 2023 (excluding tax) |
Office Home & Business | 34,800 yen | 39,982 yen |
Office Personal | 29,800 yen | 34,273 yen |
Office Professional | 59,800 yen | 68,773 yen |
Office Professional Academic | 27,800 yen | 31,973 yen |
Office Home & Student for Mac | 23,800 yen | 27,255 yen |
Office Academic for Mac | 16,800 yen | 19,318 yen |
Word 2021 | 16,276 yen | 18,718 yen |
Excel 2021 | 16,276 yen | 18,718 yen |
PowerPoint 2021 | 16,276 yen | 18,718 yen |
Outlook 2021 | 16,276 yen | 18,718 yen |
Access 2021 | 16,276 yen | 18,718 yen |
Publisher 2021 | 16,276 yen | 18,718 yen |
Project Standard | 95,800 yen | 109,800 yen |
Project Professional | 159,800 yen | 183,173 yen |
Visio Standard | 45,800 yen | 52,873 yen |
Visio Professional | 86,800 yen | 99,682 yen |
The selling prices of Microsoft 365 after June 1, 2023 are as follows.
product name | Price at the time of article creation (excluding tax) | Prices after June 1, 2023 (excluding tax) |
Microsoft 365 Family 1 month version | 1682 yen | 1909 yen |
Microsoft 365 Family 12 months version | 16,727 yen | 19,091 yen |
Microsoft 365 Family 15 months version | 16,727 yen | 19,091 yen |
Microsoft 365 Personal 1 month | 1167 yen | 1354 yen |
Microsoft 365 Personal 12 Month Edition | 11,180 yen | 13,545 yen |
Microsoft 365 Personal 15 Month Edition | 11,180 yen | 13,545 yen |
Microsoft 365 Basic 1 month | 208 yen | 236 yen |
Microsoft 365 Basic 12 months | 2040 yen | 2218 yen |
Microsoft 365 Business Standard | 16,320 yen | 18,764 yen |
Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd. explained the reason for the price increase, saying, 'Microsoft regularly evaluates the impact of local pricing on its software products and online services to ensure reasonable consistency across regions. It will be the result of receiving an evaluation and making adjustments.”
In addition, Microsoft 365 is available at Amazon.co.jp in addition to Microsoft official stores and consumer electronics mass retailers.
Amazon.co.jp: Microsoft 365 Personal (latest 1 year version) | Online code version | Win / Mac / iPad | Unlimited number of installations (5 simultaneous use): PC software

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