Microsoft Office 365 can be downloaded on the Mac App Store

Apple announced that it is now possible to download Micorsoft Office 365 products on the Mac App Store. Mac users will be able to download and install Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook etc easily more easily than ever.
The Mac App Store welcomes Office 365 - Apple
Mac users can now download on the App Store is "subscription service" Office 365 ". For off-shoot Office suites such as Office 2019, you still need to download the installation program from Microsoft.
Each software can be downloaded from the following.
"Microsoft Office 365" on the App Store

"Microsoft Word" on the Mac App Store

"Microsoft Excel" on the Mac App Store

"Microsoft PowerPoint" on the Mac App Store

"Microsoft OneNote" on the Mac App Store

"Microsoft Outlook" on the Mac App Store

"OneDrive" on the Mac App Store

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in Software, Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log